What is the first airplane equipped with software system? Any type of avionics with the computer code, probably the compiled file.
I searched in Google, and it sounds like the F-8C Crusader jet fighter in 1972 from "Computers from Check In to the Flight Deck" article by Smithsonian. It is more like the complex controller system with large software package. I guess there would be the aircraft with the simpler avionics with compiled file before the F-8C. I am aware that NASA normally do research and test years before testing and deploying in the airplane, which put in the newspaper.
I have been seeing heated conversation on the definition of software system in the comment. I am sorry for somewhat vague in my question, In the question, the software would be a machine language, which could be an input to the instrument. I don't dictate compiled, non compiled, modifiable without hardware/electronics configuration nor fixed.
The reason behind my question was that I was wondered what was the first airplane with the instructed system by machine language instead of carefully configurated automatic system without code.