Surviving a landing on solid ground or water in a wingsuit is not very likely.
The speed of a skydiver using a wingsuit will be in the vicinity on 100 kts. While it is possible to steer a wingsuit upwards (see video here) bleeding airspeed while doing so, making a safe flare to land will be difficult as the "pilot" will have a lot of energy left at the moment of touchdown.
As the skydiver approaches ground, margin of error becomes very small, and the (small) ground effect will make controlling the touchdown tricky. Wingsuits aren't especially a "precision instrument" to begin with when it comes to maneuvering .
Question specifies "Specific body techniques on impact like rolling": the chances of survival would be highest if the "pilot" manages a controlled flat touchdown at reasonable vertical speed.
As for the conditions, the ground should be extremely flat, a little soft and preferably slippery to avoid tumbling which would certainly if not instantly kill, then seriously injure the daredevil. My preferred choice of terrain would be a flat wet grass field. A steady headwind might at first sound like a good condition, but when we take into account the fact that wind speed diminishes quickly at low altitudes as the ground approaches, I think headwind would actually make landing harder, as the airspeed would quickly bleed out before touchdown.
As an example, motorcycle racers try to avoid rolling if they are thrown off the bike, and instead glide on the ground to bleed off speed. You should note that mc racing gear is like a full body armour, which would of course protect the wingsuit lander, but then again the mc racing gear is very stiff, and would make already hard steering of the wingsuit even more difficult.
I thinks it's safe to assume landing on water would be lethal, as touchdown would most likely lead to a sudden dive/stop. The body form of a skydiver is not able to support aquaplaning , and even if it was, dropping out of planing would lead to a sudden stop and most likely a loss of consciousness.
As a side note, it is possible to survive a non-parachute landing in a wingsuit as demonstrated by Gary Connery, but you need a lot of cardboard boxes for it:
His technique was to bleed off airspeed as much as possible and then slam into the "cardboard runway" in a more or less controlled manner.