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3 votes
2 answers

Why air pressure is raised twice in air cycle machines?

Currently studying about aircraft air cycle machines for my midterm, and this question still kinda stuck in me. So in air cycle machine, in my understanding, the air pressure is raised twice. But I ...
Luthfi Ahmad's user avatar
0 votes
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What are the amber triangles on the ECAM bleed page on an A320?

In FCOM they say that triangle becomes amber when RAM AIR flap is not fully open, and both pack flow control valves are closed. Here the RAM air flap is emergency ram air or RAM Air flap for the Packs?...
Sourabh Jain's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

What powers the air-conditioning on commercial planes?

How is the air conditioning system on airliners powered? I expect that the air conditioning is powered by the APU powers, but I wonder if there are other power sources used like the main engines?
blacksmith37's user avatar