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Why are the VHF and UHF airbands directly adjacent to frequency bands used by vital radionavigation aids?

Of the three main frequency ranges used by aircraft for radio communications (HF, VHF, and UHF), two (VHF and UHF) have their aircraft-radio-communications frequencies clumped together into a ...
Vikki's user avatar
  • 28.6k
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Where are US FIS-B UAT ground facilities located?

In the US there are Flight Information Services Broadcast (FIS-B) transmitters strategically located to provide WX, NOTAMS and other flight information utilizing the ADS-B infrastructure. ADS-B has ...
mongo's user avatar
  • 17.8k
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What's the meaning of underlined frequency in sectional chart nav aid box?

There is a statement to describe the underlined frequency in legend, it says: Underline indicates no voice on this frequency. What does this mean? We still need to ident the Morse code, doesn't it?...
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