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Aerodynamics is the study of how air moves and interacts with solid objects. It is an essential part of aircraft design.

1 vote

Does wing with bell lift distribution has negative lift at tips?

It depends on the angle of attack. The design case of the bell shaped lift distribution is maximum lift. At cruise, angle of attack is lower, lowering the lift coefficient for the whole wing and also …
Peter Kämpf's user avatar
1 vote

Could a moving film of gas reduce aerodynamic drag?

Only if you somehow manage to reduce friction. This could be achieved by using a gas with a significantly lower viscosity than air. As long as a sufficiently thick film is maintained, it will produce …
Peter Kämpf's user avatar
4 votes

Does the centre of pressure of a cambered airfoil go ahead of the quarter chord point when a...

The lower one is better. Details depend on the camber. A flat plate or a symmetric airfoil have their center of pressure at the quarter chord point. Angle of attack changes change the lift produced, b …
Peter Kämpf's user avatar
3 votes

Would plain and slotted flaps increase lift substantially in a distributed propulsion applic...

No, that thinking is incorrect. The air involved in lift creation is roughly the amount that flows through a disk with a diameter equalling wing span, and your distributed propulsion concept will invo …
Peter Kämpf's user avatar
2 votes

Is the freestream dynamic pressure higher during cruise or during landing/takeoff?

The aircraft needs flaps in order to be slow enough for take-off and landing. This means the lift coefficient $c_l$ is larger in the landing configuration, and the dynamic pressure is proportionally l …
Peter Kämpf's user avatar
9 votes

What are the pros and cons of a lift fan versus a helicopter?

To answer your second question first: Generally, it is always better to accelerate a big amount of air a little than a small amount a lot. Therefore, the helicopter rotor is much more efficient when …
Peter Kämpf's user avatar
8 votes

What aircraft can make these sharp 90-degree turns?

We looked at how tight a turn a Boeing 747 can make in this question. The answer gave a radius of just 6.11 km. Your contrail photo clearly shows that the airplane has either one or two fuselage-moun …
Peter Kämpf's user avatar
34 votes

Were there any successful flying machines that did not rely on Bernoulli's Principle?

How about all lighter-than-air vehicles: Hot air balloons Hydrogen- or helium-filled balloons Airships If you want to restrict the choice to heavier-than-air vehicles, rockets should still qualify …
Peter Kämpf's user avatar
3 votes

Is there always a stall if you exceed a specific angle of attack?

Short answer: No. Long answer: The stall angle of attack varies with speed, altitude, Mach number and the rate of angle of attack increase, as discussed here and here. Since the lift curve slope of a …
Peter Kämpf's user avatar
3 votes

What is the most simple plane lift equation that gives realistic solutions?

First, you need to add the effect of density $\rho$: Air density changes with altitude, and this affects both lift and drag (at least if you model airbreathing engines). For lift $L$, use $$L = c_L\c …
Peter Kämpf's user avatar
2 votes

What causes tail-down force?

The phenomenon is called trimming. This is the process by which the pilot adjusts the lift at the tail surface to shift the center of pressure right above or below the center of gravity and removes a …
Peter Kämpf's user avatar
2 votes

How to calculate the stability derivative of Pitch Moment with respect to AOA rate?

If you add wind (a gust), the sought-after situation would be flying into a vertical gust. If the vertical wind speed changes linearly with the distance flown and the aircraft has sufficient inertia a …
Peter Kämpf's user avatar
11 votes

Does an accelerating airplane also start climbing?

You assume that three of the four forces are constant. This is not quite right: Only the mass is given, all the other forces are variable. Thrust $T$: Changes with throttle setting. Also, thrust can …
Peter Kämpf's user avatar
13 votes

What advantages and disadvantages do tri planes have?

The accepted answer is wrong. Triplanes have all the disadvantages of biplanes, only more so. But they share their advantages as well, and the main reason to build them in WW I was roll maneuverabili …
Peter Kämpf's user avatar
4 votes

How does compressibility affect the critical angle of attack?

First, I have to define what the critical angle of attack is: When an aerodynamicist speaks of critical conditions, he or she means the condition when the speed of sound is reached locally. The criti …
Peter Kämpf's user avatar

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