Then there is an abnormal attitude law.abnormal attitude law. This law activates if the aircraft gets into a position where computers can no longer keep it in the envelope. Keep in mind that even though the aircraft is protected, in very tight situations things can go beyond the protections. In this case also the protections are turned off and alternate law activated which allows pilot to maneuver out of the situation. TheFor the A320 the abnormal attitude law activates if any of the following conditions are met:
- Bank angle above 125 °
- Pitch attitude above 50 ° nose up or below 30 ° nose down
- Speed below 60 to 90 kt (depending on the aircraft pitch attitude), or above 440 kt
- Mach above 0.91
- Angle of attack above 30 ° to 40 °, or below -10 °
- Bank angle above 125 °
- Pitch attitude above 50 ° nose up or below 30 ° nose down
- Speed below 60 to 90 kt (depending on the aircraft pitch attitude), or above 440 kt
- Mach above 0.91
- Angle of attack above 30 ° to 40 °, or below -10 °