I am looking for a website that contains a listing of all commercial airline incidents (under a sufficiently large definition of "incident"), by airline company.
I assume that incidents that happen are logged automatically somewhere, and I presume that this information may be further relayed to a public website.
Here's my finding so far:
I know of the ASRS database, https://asrs.arc.nasa.gov/search/dbol/strategies.html, but this doesn't list airline names, as far as I could see (and is also tricky to navigate).
The 3 other more usable website, that don't report just accidents, but also incidents (whatever they define as "incident"... meaning sites like http://aviation.globalincidentmap.com/ are excluded) are
Are these sources credible?
E.g. http://avherald.com/ states in their FAQ that they compile their report based on "own sources". https://www.aeroinside.com/ says, after some looking, that it's information is compiled from multiple other databases, but doesn't specify which. https://aviation-safety.net/ seems the most legit of these (excepting ASRS), but again, official assurances are missing.
I'm asking this, because I'd like to compile for myself some flights statistics (I'm a statistician by profession) and I'd like some site sthat are easier to navigate than ASRS (recompiling their data in a form amenable to statistics would be very time-consuming).