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If in doubt, follow the POH instructions. For example:


  1. Seats, Belts, Harnesses -- ADJUST and LOCK.
  2. Mixture -- RICH.
  3. Carburetor Heat -- ON (apply full heat before closing throttle).


  1. Throttle -- FULL OPEN.
  2. Carburetor Heat -- COLD.
  3. Wing Flaps -- RETRACT to 20.
  4. Airspeed -- 55 KIAS.
  5. Wing Flaps -- RETRACT (slowly).


  1. Wing Flaps -- UP.
  2. Carburetor Heat -- COLD.

That's very clear: carb heat on for landing, and off only after landing or when going around.

FWIW, I was originally taught (in a C152) to turn carb heat on when throttling back on downwind, and turn it off again on short final in case of a go-around. However, no other instructor I've flown with does that and I now follow the POH procedure.

Since your instructors seem to differ on this it might be a good idea to find out what your local examiner prefers before you take your final checkride. That way you can be sure to do what he expects and avoid a debate about carb heat or worse, fail the checkride.

If in doubt, follow the POH instructions. For example:


  1. Seats, Belts, Harnesses -- ADJUST and LOCK.
  2. Mixture -- RICH.
  3. Carburetor Heat -- ON (apply full heat before closing throttle).


  1. Throttle -- FULL OPEN.
  2. Carburetor Heat -- COLD.
  3. Wing Flaps -- RETRACT to 20.
  4. Airspeed -- 55 KIAS.
  5. Wing Flaps -- RETRACT (slowly).


  1. Wing Flaps -- UP.
  2. Carburetor Heat -- COLD.

That's very clear: carb heat on for landing, and off only after landing or when going around.

FWIW, I was originally taught (in a C152) to turn carb heat on when throttling back on downwind, and turn it off again on short final in case of a go-around. However, no other instructor I've flown with does that and I now follow the POH procedure.

If in doubt, follow the POH instructions. For example:


  1. Seats, Belts, Harnesses -- ADJUST and LOCK.
  2. Mixture -- RICH.
  3. Carburetor Heat -- ON (apply full heat before closing throttle).


  1. Throttle -- FULL OPEN.
  2. Carburetor Heat -- COLD.
  3. Wing Flaps -- RETRACT to 20.
  4. Airspeed -- 55 KIAS.
  5. Wing Flaps -- RETRACT (slowly).


  1. Wing Flaps -- UP.
  2. Carburetor Heat -- COLD.

That's very clear: carb heat on for landing, and off only after landing or when going around.

FWIW, I was originally taught (in a C152) to turn carb heat on when throttling back on downwind, and turn it off again on short final in case of a go-around. However, no other instructor I've flown with does that and I now follow the POH procedure.

Since your instructors seem to differ on this it might be a good idea to find out what your local examiner prefers before you take your final checkride. That way you can be sure to do what he expects and avoid a debate about carb heat or worse, fail the checkride.

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If in doubt, follow the POH instructions. For example:


  1. Seats, Belts, Harnesses -- ADJUST and LOCK.
  2. Mixture -- RICH.
  3. Carburetor Heat -- ON (apply full heat before closing throttle).


  1. Throttle -- FULL OPEN.
  2. Carburetor Heat -- COLD.
  3. Wing Flaps -- RETRACT to 20.
  4. Airspeed -- 55 KIAS.
  5. Wing Flaps -- RETRACT (slowly).


  1. Wing Flaps -- UP.
  2. Carburetor Heat -- COLD.

That's very clear: carb heat on for landing, and off only after landing or when going around.

FWIW, I was originally taught (in a C152) to turn carb heat on when throttling back on downwind, and turn it off again on short final in case of a go-around. However, no other instructor I've flown with does that and I now follow the POH procedure.