##Long Answer##
Long Answer
Question 1:
What exactly is the surface area of Class E airspace designated for an airport? Is it any dashed magenta area on a sectional or is it something more specific or different?
Question 2:
And does the within the lateral boundaries of part mean there is no ceiling (meaning an ultralight can't overfly these areas at any altitude) or something else?
Question 3:
Can an ultralight fly within the dashed magenta circle? Is this an example of a "surface area of Class E airspace designated for an airport"?
Question 4:
If this is true, what is the ceiling that affects ultralight aircraft? Is it the 700' AGL Class E airspace above the airport? Or does it go all the way up to FL180? In other words, can an ultralight overfly this airport as long as it flies more than 700' AGL?
Question 5:
Can an ultralight fly within the two Class E extensions to the Class D airport? Or are these two extensions still considered "surface areas of Class E airspace designated for an airport" (and this has the same answer as question 1 above)?
Question 6:
If an ultralight can't fly within these two Class E extensions, can an ultralight flow over these extensions? Is the ceiling 2,700' MSL (same as the Class D airspace of the airport) or is the ceiling 700' AGL (due to the overlying Class E airspace in the area)? Or does it go to FL180 (which would make no sense since an ultralight can overfly the Class D airspace)?