Yesterday I was watching a show about Air Crash Investigation.
Case France Flight 447
, the
Type of aircraft: Airbus A330-200
Air France flight 447 case involving an Airbus A330-200.
I watchwas watching it with spanishSpanish voice dub.
Thedubbing and the weird part is voicethat the narrator say PLANE
:said the plane...
- Reachreached a final speed of 13000 kmh13,000 km/h
- Plane startstarted falling at 7000 kmh7,000 km/h
- Crashcrashed at 200 kmhkm/h
The only speed value makingthat makes sense to me is the last one: 200 kmhkm/h.
So myMy guess is that something was missed in translation.
What is usually the speed measure for aircraft in the US?
The other value I can thinkalso thought about was 7000the 7,000 figure, and perhaps instead of speed at kmh meanin km/h it meant altitude in feets.feet?