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Andreas Lauschke's user avatar
Andreas Lauschke's user avatar
Andreas Lauschke
  • Member for 9 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than a month ago
-3 votes

What are the rules for an IFR departure from a private airfield with nearby obstructions?

2 votes

Are Holding Speeds Regulatory?

1 vote

How are IAS/CAS and TAS used in flight?

2 votes

Why are there different bracket shapes to Class D airspace?

1 vote

Can an airplane propeller become supersonic?

6 votes

How do I know if I'm able to use LPV minimums on a GPS approach?

-2 votes

Are pilots generally trained for crosswind landings?

2 votes

How are squawk codes assigned?

19 votes

Why are there so many 7700 squawks?

-8 votes

What would happen if one of the engines failed during takeoff and other engine is on full power?

5 votes

Can Microsoft Flight Simulator help me learn to fly (or make me a better pilot)?

2 votes

For large jets, what is the primary means of slowing down after landing?

1 vote

How much is the minimum safe distance between two planes in-flight?

3 votes

Is any endorsement required to take the Advanced Ground Instructor test?

-2 votes

Does an increase in air temperature actually improve aircraft performance?