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Vladimir F Героям слава's user avatar
Vladimir F Героям слава's user avatar
Vladimir F Героям слава
  • Member for 10 years, 1 month
  • Last seen this week
14 votes

Why would a flight no longer considered airworthy be redirected like this?

12 votes

Would building a large asphalt square or painted dark black area create a "thermal generator" for glider use?

11 votes

What does the "DO NOT USE FOR NAVIGATION" indication mean?

10 votes

What happens if a language other than English is used over the radio?

8 votes

Why are pitot-static measurements preferred over other velocimetry techniques?

8 votes

Why do U.S. METARS give visibility in statute miles?

5 votes

Why can gliders fly for so long?

5 votes

How does latitude affect the air temperature at 8 km altitude where planes fly?

5 votes

What is the commercial passenger aircraft top speed record?

5 votes

How do pilots identify the taxi path to the runway?

4 votes

What are all the squawk codes?

4 votes

Will computational fluid dynamics (CFD) ever be 100% correct?

4 votes

Difference between Mountain Breeze/Katabatic Winds and Valley Breeze/Anabatic Winds

3 votes

What is the least turbulent altitude under 10,000 feet ASL that planes usually fly?

3 votes

Could I issue clearances at a private airstrip without being a controller?

2 votes

If calculating turbulence is computationally expensive, why not do something simpler?