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DLH's user avatar
DLH's user avatar
  • Member for 6 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • Las Cruces, NM, United States
26 votes

Can this aircraft wreckage be identified?

20 votes

How do I tell ATC that I don't have a transponder?

19 votes

Which is safer? The Piper Tomahawk or the Cessna 152?

18 votes

FAA Commercial Pilot Knowledge Test: Sign Question

13 votes

Why does GR mean hail in a METAR?

12 votes

When to switch from ground to tower frequencies at controlled airports in the US?

12 votes

How do I renew my ability to fly after 40 years?

9 votes

How does the Airbus auto takeoff system work?

8 votes

Why don't commercial aircraft use all-movable tail surfaces like my RC plane?

7 votes

Why does the main battery discharge with the alternator running?

7 votes

Is it required to be an ATP and work for an airline to be a Captain?

6 votes

How should you coordinate with traffic at non-towered airports?

5 votes

Does a windmilling propeller create more drag than a stopped propeller in an engine out scenario?

5 votes

How can I decode Lycoming engine number?

5 votes

How precise must a pilot be when flying a holding pattern?

4 votes

Why is an elliptical wing planform so aerodynamically efficient in layman's terms?

4 votes

What does it cost to get a hot air balloon to 30,000ft?

4 votes

Are we changing the angle of attack by changing the pitch of an aircraft?

4 votes

Is aviation slowly dying as of 2019

4 votes

Why is the velocity squared in the lift equation?

4 votes

Why is it 'aileron right and elevator up' with a front-right wind in a tailwheel airplane?

4 votes

What is the FAA definition of "takeoff" and "landing"?

4 votes

White light illuminating the engine coming on at intervals in flight; Curious what's the protocol?

3 votes

Why don't the contrails show the curvature of the Earth?

3 votes

Need help to clarify the terms "arrival", "departure", "approach", "terminal" and "transition" fix for US STAR and SIDS

3 votes

Do any gliders carry GPWS?

3 votes

How did KAL 007 get so far off course?

3 votes

Is the lift produced by a wing with a 10° flap equal to the lift created by a wing with 10° AOA but with no flap?

3 votes

Why does instability in pitch lower trim drag for an aircraft with a tail?

3 votes

Can I file IFR DIRECT with a non-WAAS GPS?