Does the Osprey ramp have several configurations?
Does the Osprey ramp have several configurations?
Does the ramp swing down as one unit providing a beveled leading edge and a less of an incline for wheeled equipment?
No. (Not one unit as ...
Does the Osprey ramp have several configurations?
There are multiple images online, showing a 2 part rear hatch. The rearmost part folds up, the rest folds down.
This, from Military.com
The only image ...
V-22 aerial refueling
It is in production, in use, and is called VARS (V-22 Aerial Refueling System).
V-22 Refueling Contract Highlights Close Ties To F-35
Why can Boeing V-22 Osprey carry more cargo internally than externally?
Like the first answer, but with more detail. The rating on the cargo hook attachment points is going to be less than the entire aircraft & it always will be. If you increase the rating of the ...
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