New answers tagged stability
Are there any aircraft geometries which tend to prevent excessive bank angles?
When searching for features which make airplanes inherently stable, I propose to look at free-flight model airplanes. What is it they do differently?
Long tail lever arm
The most striking difference ...
Are there any aircraft geometries which tend to prevent excessive bank angles?
No. Aircraft geometry interacts with applied forces and gravity to produce a state space - position, velocity, acceleration, and attitude. The problem is the geometry can't tell the difference between ...
Are there any aircraft geometries which tend to prevent excessive bank angles?
The shapes themselves do not affect roll stability, it is the effect of motion (and aerodynamic resistance, aka drag) that creates or inhibits rolling motion.
Going back to the ship. If one had ...
Are there any aircraft geometries which tend to prevent excessive bank angles?
Dihedral angle
Virtually all airplanes have a certain amount of dihedral angle to the wings -- which is to say, the wings are angled slightly up when you look at the aircraft nose-on. This slightly ...
Are there any aircraft geometries which tend to prevent excessive bank angles?
Are there any aircraft geometries which tend to prevent excessive bank angles? Well, no, I'm not aware of any aeroplanes that cannot do a full 360° roll. Ailerons are deflected, and the result is an ...
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