Did SR-71s have a switch for seat height adjustment for the pilot or were there strict height requirements in order to fly it?
According to the POH the pilot could indeed move the seat up and down
Its worth noting that the SR-71 was a spy plane and visibility from the cockpit was not necessarily a critical aspect of ...
Why does the Neutral Point not vary with Tail incidence angle?
All your reasoning is perfect until here:
Now, if we change the angle of incidence of the tail, the tail lift would change thus requiring the neutral point to shift so that the lift from the wing can ...
Does climbing or descending affect the rate of turn?
climbing increases the rate of turn while descending decreases it
Vertical speed affects the rolling moment equilibrium as explained here. Climbing will roll the airplane into the turn and descending ...
Does climbing or descending affect the rate of turn?
For several years, I have been working on a single-vector version of a Flight Simulator Module which uses speed as the primary vector where Thrust, Drag and Gravity_x_Sin(Pitch) change the magnitude ...
why lift coefficient decreases at supersonic flow?
As you probably know already, the 2D lift curve slope in supersonic flow is $$C_{L\alpha} = \frac{4\cdot\alpha}{\sqrt{Ma^2 - 1}}$$ when calculated by potential flow theory. But I guess you would like ...
Why does the Neutral Point not vary with Tail incidence angle?
requiring the neutral point to shift so the wing can continue to be canceled out.
Remember, the tail controls pitch. Incidence change is is exactly what one does with an "all moving surface&...
Why is the wave drag of a straight wing less than that of a swept back wing?
First, you should always provide a citation when you say something like "According to NASA's claims". It will provide the context that we can make sure we are answering the right question.
why lift coefficient decreases at supersonic flow?
Let's consider a flat plate and let it fly both at subsonic and at supersonic speeds.
Let's start with the subsonic case and let's see how the airflow looks like around the flat plate (picture source)...
Pitch=Flight Path Angle + Angle of Attack if bank angle=0?
I think there's simply a typo in the last sentence of the slides: a "and $\beta$ is null" is missing where it said "If bank angle $\phi$ is null, then:".
Or it has been implicitly ...
Pitch=Flight Path Angle + Angle of Attack if bank angle=0?
You are correct, at least in theory. In order for the rule to be correct, we need to add one more criterion: that the sideslip angle is zero (or negligible).
Here is an even more extreme example. ...
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