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11 votes

Do civilian aircraft transiting through controlled airspace designated for military airports typically talk to the tower of that airport? (USA)

Military ATC facilities in the USA follow the same rules and procedures as civilian ATC facilities. There are a very few differences; certain branches of the military require Tower controllers to say &...
randomhead's user avatar
  • 16.4k
6 votes

Do civilian aircraft transiting through controlled airspace designated for military airports typically talk to the tower of that airport? (USA)

I've seen one case where banner tow aircraft operating east-west offshore about a mile (or less) from an Air Force base's runway 18/36 did talk to the military tower. Offhand I can think of two cases ...
Ralph J's user avatar
  • 52.6k
5 votes

Do civilian aircraft transiting through controlled airspace designated for military airports typically talk to the tower of that airport? (USA)

Frankly, you treat their airspace like you would any other class D airspace. The only thing required to enter is two way radio communications. Their controllers may divert you to other areas of the ...
Romeo_4808N's user avatar
  • 74.5k
2 votes

Why are there different bracket shapes to Class D airspace?

The FAA's Chart User Guide clearly says "Class D Airspace is identified with a blue dashed line." on page 17, and on page 27 it shows examples with four and eight blue dashed segments. The ...
Andreas Lauschke's user avatar

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