The CG (Center of Gravity) of aircraft is the point at which the aircraft would balance if it were possible to suspend it at that point.
The CG (Center of Gravity) of aircraft is the point at which the aircraft would balance if it were possible to suspend it at that point.
The center of gravity is affected by the aircraft's loading (fuel, passengers, baggage, etc.), and is the "balance" portion of the weight-and-balance calculations performed prior to flight. In order to ensure safety of flight the center of gravity must lie within a predetermined range specified by the manufacturer. Operation of the aircraft with the center of gravity outside of this range can result in severe difficulty controlling the aircraft, and ultimately lead to an accident.
For additional information on Center of Gravity and its importance to flight refer to the following:
- Wikipedia: Center of Gravity of an Aircraft
- The FAA Aircraft Weight & Balance Handbook (FAA-H-8083-1a), specifically Chapter 2.