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Were contrails different in the 80s?

Comparing 1980 to 1990, satellite photos reveal a significant decrease in contrail cloudiness over the [sic] western Europe and a significant increase over the [eastern] North Atlantic between March ...
Camille Goudeseune's user avatar
-1 votes

Were contrails different in the 80s?

I live on East coast of the UK, right under a bunch of major airways that connect middle East, mainland Europe with North America. On a clear day we can usually see several aircraft in the sky at any ...
Autoexec WakingCircle's user avatar
4 votes

Who was the first person to break the sound barrier?

Short answer Was the sound barrier recorded being broken previously to the X-1 by someone else in a dive? The factual answer is: Such recording wasn't found as of 2024. Considering the great ...
mins's user avatar
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28 votes

In 1982 Admiral Grace Hopper said "I still haven't found out why helicopter rotors go the way they do". If she were here today, how might one answer?

It's a convention and both clockwise and counterclockwise work fine because the blade can be designed for either. The direction of rotation of helicopter rotors is somewhat standardized but varies ...
Aadiraj Anil's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there a Amelia Earhart anniversary late August 2024?

Although there are no officially stated holiday for Amelia Earhart in late August, there is an official holiday for her on July 24 every year, the day she was born. There is one possible reason for ...
Aircraft Enthusiast 007's user avatar

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