My ADS-B Out unit (and EchoUAT), is broken, (wifi out) and I need to send it back to be repaired/replaced. While it is out, I will only have a legacy Transponder with Mode-C. Can I fly over (above) class bravo airspace? What about under the depicted airspace shelves, inside the Class Bravo 30nm ring but below the minimum altitude depicted on the chart for the shelf I am under? The documentation I have found on the internet does not make it clear that I need both systems (Mode-C and ADS-B, or just one or the other to be compliant inside the Mode-C Veil. If I need both, then I need to avoid the 30 nm ring completely, at any altitude. and while the box is being repaired I cannot fly to or from any airports under the Bravo airspace shelves.