>Coaxial-rotor helicopters have one big advantage compared to single-rotor helicopters and that is that they can lift a lot more Coaxial helicopters have only one advantage in respect to conventional helicopters and that is compactness. Indeed, stacking two rotor one above the other, means that: * the tail rotor is no more required and; * the rotor diameter can be more or less reduced. Anyway: 1. a horizontal tailplane (and the relevant tailboom) is still needed for stability, so you don't really get rid of the whole tailboom; 2. diameter of the rotor cannot be reduced too much before running into performance degradations; 3. aerodynamic interferences between the rotors make the lower rotor loose some 10 to 15% efficiency (but in a conventional helicopter the tail rotor eat some 10 to 15% of the power available so let's call it even); 4. rotor head becomes packed with rods and other rotating mechanisms increasing the total aerodynamic drag; 5. for sure I'm missing something. For all these reasons a coaxial design is really important where compactness is at a premium. Packing more rotors one on top of the other will only worsen everything, especially points 3. and 4., without bringing any improvement.