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Questions tagged [vertical-stabilizer]

A fixed vertical fin or fins that provide an aircraft with passive directional stability (keep it from spontaneously yawing sideways into a sideslip), and often serve as the mounting point for the aircraft's rudder(s).

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Why do some turbofan-engined Caravelles, but not all, have an anti-shock body at the root of the horizontal stabilizers?

Many turbofan-engined Caravelles have a prominent anti-shock body where the horizontal stabilizers attach to the vertical tail, about a quarter of the way up the latter. (Turbojet-engined Caravelles ...
Vikki's user avatar
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What is the protruding element on the vertical tail of this Airbus Zero E concept?

The TurboFan concept of Airbus Zero E has a protruding element on the top of its vertical tail, see the image below. Image source Zoomed image Only this variant of the Zero E has it, is it related ...
ROIMaison's user avatar
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Pilatus PC-12 vertical tail size

Does anyone know what the dimensions / surface area of the vertical stabilizer is on that plane? Additionally, does anyone know the approximate tail volume and its coefficient? Could not find it ...
Vincent Cerowski's user avatar
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What is the taper ratio approximately for the horizontal and vertical stabilizer of a fighter jet and what determines this taper ratio?

I'm looking for historical taper ratios for the tails of different fighter aircrafts, or just a general fighter aircraft. Also why do fighter aircrafts want their taper ratio at a certain value. ...
Bill Shao's user avatar
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