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How are this helicopter's blades perfectly timed with the camera shutter? [closed]

This is a video of the Mi-24 helicopter. The rotor blades appear not to be moving. Did the pilot and photographer sync the camera and helicopter to make this video and how? I do not know the true ...
Muze's user avatar
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Is it harmful to operate an engine "over square"? [duplicate]

Never Fly Your Engine "Oversquare!" is an old recommendation. This wisdom cautions pilots that selecting a power setting with a manifold pressure in inches higher than the RPM in hundreds is damaging ...
jwzumwalt's user avatar
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What is the throttle setting of a piston aircraft during cruise?

I am learning to fly nowadays, I am sorry if this sounds like a dump question. What is the throttle setting of an aircraft during cruise flight? After stabilizing the flight after climb do i need to ...
Jijo John's user avatar
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How are rotary engines controlled?

Listen closely to the engine sound here. It seems to me all rotaries continuously sound on/off. Is that a pilot application to manage the engine's torque (with the whole block rotating), or as ...
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Why are the B-52 thrust levers advanced inside-out?

As I understand, the standard procedure for advancing the throttle (for take-off) is as follows: Advance throttle to desired engine input & output (N1 & N2) Release brakes Gradually increase ...
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