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Questions tagged [taxiways]

Taxiways are defined paths (usually paved) used for taxiing aircraft to/from runways.

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6 votes
2 answers

What should I do to prevent confusion for pilots due to the long distance between edge units on taxiways next to rapid exit taxiways?

We are at Hurghada Int’l Airport (HEGN) and we have a problem in three rapid exit taxiways named V5, V6 and V7 with taxiway V: Moving to V5 for example, if you measure the distance between the first ...
5 votes
1 answer

What is the purpose of these round paved pads?

What is the function of these round pads at KMWH, Grant County International Airport, in Moses Lake, WA? They appear to be sized to allow an aircraft to turn around, perhaps under its own power or for ...
0 votes
1 answer

How wide should taxiways be to serve a A350?

I'm planning a model airport and I really don't know how far the wing should be from the gate safety line (I think that's what it is called). The largest wingspan will be that of an A350.
7 votes
2 answers

Why does the taxiway parallel to Runway 18 at Frankfurt Airport exist?

I was looking at these two questions about the single direction takeoff-only runway 18 at Frankfurt Airport (EDDF) when I noticed that it has a full-length taxiway (taxiway Y5) to its east. As far as ...
0 votes
1 answer

What is the definition of Taxiway Incursion?

I can't find any ICAO document that defines a Taxiway Incursion, but I can find some online presentations which were presented at ICAO workshops or seminars that loosely refer to Runway/Taxiway ...
10 votes
1 answer

How common is it to take off from a taxiway?

This question reminded me of a time when I landed my spamcan at a former WWII RAF base (middle of nowhere, no ATC, no-one in the clubhouse) that had a part concrete/part grass runway, a farmer came ...
6 votes
2 answers

Are there any ICAO restrictions on naming a taxiway?

According to ICAO are there any certain restrictions to naming a taxiway? For example: a certain letter cannot be used it cannot have letters that match a parking stand etc.
28 votes
1 answer

Why are taxiway and runway centerline lights off center?

The centerline lights for runways and taxiways are to the side of the centerline itself by a few inches. This, of course, is not a problem, but why are the lights positioned that way? (Image: ...
3 votes
2 answers

Why were taxiways marked with numbers (as opposed to letters) back in the day?

I learned through the USAir Flight 1493 and SkyWest Airlines Flight 5569 collision that many taxiways at KLAX were marked with numbers (e.g., Taxiway 45, Taxiway 33) instead of letters (e.g., Taxiway ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Is the green route on the airport chart drawn correctly according to the pilot-tower conversations? I do not think so [closed]

I think the green route in the tower pilot conversations is drawn incorrectly. Here the "UNTIL LEFT HOLD SHORT FOR M29" part confuses me. I would be glad if you help.
3 votes
1 answer

Airplanes Parking On Taxiway

I've noticed one or two planes at my airport continuously park on the Taxiway and stay for sometimes an hour+. I keep looking and can't seem to find any regulations on this topic. (Only finding stuff ...
3 votes
1 answer

What is the best way to move a touring motor glider over a wet grass surface?

In a flight club we operate an SF-25C (about 480kg empty). In fall and winter the surface (grass) of our taxiways often gets to wet so if we would move the aircraft we would damage the field and we ...
4 votes
1 answer

What is the difference between the red and black box identifiers on UK airport charts?

On UK airport charts like the one below for Manchester (EGCC), what is the difference between an identifier with white lettering on a red square and one with yellow lettering on a black square with a ...
3 votes
3 answers

Are there any airports with multi-level taxiways?

There are many airports where roads (and pedestrian walkways) are routed underneath taxiways, runways, etc. But are there any airports where airplane taxiways go under/over each other? I can't imagine ...
3 votes
1 answer

Does lack of a curved taxi-line indicate a turn is not permitted?

Does the lack of a curved taxiway centerline between two taxiways indicate that a turn is not permitted? Take for example the complex of taxiway connections at KATL here: 33.636153, -84.421919 (see on ...
5 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between stopbars and Intermediate Holding Position Lights?

I know that stop bars continuously light red and stand at before taxi route joint, holding points, or at the runway entrance, but what about the Intermediate Holding Position Lights? How can we ...
17 votes
5 answers

Has there been any attempt to use an underground cable system, a la a cable car, to tow aircraft along taxiways? [duplicate]

I've been looking at some proposals to try to reduce the time that an airliner's main engines are run at idle or near idle when taxiing to and from runways--a situation that uses non-trivial amounts ...
13 votes
2 answers

How can pilots differentiate runways and taxiways during landing?

There have been many incidents where pilots landed or attempted to land the aircraft on a wrong surface (for example Continental 1883 and Air Canada 759). Are there any tips for pilots to avoid that? ...
4 votes
3 answers

How does ATC direct aircraft on ground from the parking to the runway?

For medium size airports, ATC will direct aircraft with a single message like this "Taxi to runway 29 via Papa, Sierra". I was wondering if it was the same thing for bigger airports (like ...
0 votes
1 answer

Can anyone explain what are the apron taxiway and aircraft holding taxiway with an illustration, please? [closed]

Note: There are 3 types of taxiway 1) Apron taxiway 2) Aircraft holding taxiway 3) Rapid exit taxiway
0 votes
2 answers

What does "1%" mean in ICAO Annex 14 § 3.9.9 (longitudinal slope changes)?

— 1 per cent per 30 m (minimum radius of curvature of 3 000 m) where the code letter is C, D, E or F; and — 1 per cent per 25 m (minimum radius of curvature of 2 500 m) where the code letter is A or ...
39 votes
4 answers

Do any airports have runways or taxiways that cross active rail lines at grade?

Gibraltar has a runway which crosses an active road at grade (which, due to the peninsula’s geography and the resulting constraints on the airport’s location, happens to be the main road connecting ...
0 votes
3 answers

What is the area between the taxiway and runway shown in the picture below?

Is this the Arresting area? I'm not too sure what you call this area
10 votes
2 answers

Does taxiing in London City (LCY) happen on the runway?

I recently had a ride to LCY (London City). Awesome, by the way. They have only one runway (09/27) and no apparent taxiways. (Source: Google Maps) After landing, how do the aircraft get from the ...
2 votes
1 answer

Why are tugs the least priority when talking to ground?

I was listening to this ATC conversation (3:10) and wondering: Why are tugs the least priority when talking to ground? I am thinking that some tugs might be towing aircraft that need to depart. Why ...
14 votes
2 answers

What does the sign "Caution your blast" mean?

At London City Airport (LCY) there exists a "CAUTION YOUR BLAST" sign. This isn't one I've seen before. What does it mean?
4 votes
2 answers

Is it allowed to exit the runway by opposites High Speed Taxiway?

Is it allowed to exit the runway on a High Speed Taxiway to the opposite side? (see red line in image below). Assume the situation allows it, like airplane limits, airport congestion, weather, etc.