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Questions tagged [takeoff-minimums]

For questions about IFR takeoff minimums, which describe visibility or RVR minima required for takeoff.

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What does TRMSN mean in takeoff obstacle notes?

In the takeoff obstacle notes for KMDT Rwy 31, it lists a Trmsn tower. What does Trmsn mean?
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Is the procedure to taxi half down the runway to disperse fog still used today?

After the Swissair Flight 306 accident which used the procedure to taxi half down the runway to disperse fog, is this technique still used today?
Gabe's user avatar
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Why wouldn't a plane start its take-off run from the very beginning of the runway to keep the option to utilize the full runway if necessary?

I was just watching BSL/LFSB on Flightradar24 and noticed that flight W67772 didn't start its take-off run from the end of the runway. Wouldn't it make sense to start every take-off from the end to ...
Spammer's user avatar
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While only RL will be sufficient at night for the aircraft to take off, both RL and RCLM are required to take off during the day. Isn't it illogical?

While only Runway Lights (RL) will be sufficient at night for the aircraft to take off, both RL and Runway Centre Line Markings (RCLM) are required to take off during the day. Isn't it illogical? The ...
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Which transmissometer measures the RVR value specified in the takeoff limits section? TDZ? MID? Or Rollout?

Which transmissometer measures the RVR value specified in the takeoff limits section? TDZ? MID? Or Rollout (RO)? If there are 3 transmissometers for the runway at an airport, which transmissometer ...
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Although 2 RVR device symbols are given in the airport planview, there are 3 RVRs (TDZ,MID,RO) in the takeoff limits section. How is this possible?

Although 2 RVR device symbols are given in the airport planview, it is written in the takeoff minimums section that all 3 RVR values (TDZ, Mid, Rollout) must be provided for the departure limits. MID ...
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What are the weather minimums in order to take off under IFR conditions?

I've heard different answers for what limits if you can take off IFR from an airfield. I've heard that you have to be restricted to the lowest compatible mins on an instrument approach field and I've ...
Josh Aristotle's user avatar
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What does "/" (slash) mean in the picture below?

What does the slash mark between R/V mean? Should both RVR and visibility be at least 400m, or should only one of the two values be at least 400m (ie the other could be lower)? If summarized to ...
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