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Why are some of the boxes with VOR information thick (like IST VOR) but some of the boxes are thin (like UHM VOR)?

Why are some of the boxes with VOR information thick (like IST VOR) but some of the boxes are thin (like UHM VOR)?
pilot162's user avatar
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Why is the highest point value (6681') lower than the contour interval value of 7000'?

Why is the highest point value (6681') lower than the contour interval value of 7000'? As seen on the chart, the orange areas represent 7000 feet, but there is an obstacle with an altitude lower than ...
pilot162's user avatar
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Why are the symbols of the markings on the ground given differently on two different charts of the same AIP?

Why are the symbols of the signs on the ground given differently on two different charts of the same AIP? As can be seen in the images below, the ground markings in the same region on the airport ...
pilot162's user avatar
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What do the white circle and black arrow on the airport chart mean? (VOR identifier and frequency written)

What do the white circle and black arrow on the airport chart mean? (VOR identifier and frequency written) There are 2 on the chart. Also, is there a document where I can find the meanings of the ...
pilot162's user avatar
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What do the "GP 330.5" and "CH24X" I marked in the picture below mean?

What do the "GP 330.5" and "CH24X" I marked in the picture below mean? I think 330.5 is localizer independent glidepath frequency but I have no idea what CH24X means. Does anyone ...
pilot162's user avatar
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What altitude does the "Apt Elev" on the Jeppesen charts represent?

What altitude does the "Apt Elev" on the Jeppesen charts represent? According to my research, the height we call "airport elevation" indicates the highest altitude on the landing ...
pilot162's user avatar
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Why is there a FAF database identifier with the code [FS044] even though it says no FAF and why is there an RNAV fix symbol for that point?

Why is there a FAF database identifier with the code [FS044] even though it says no FAF and why is there an RNAV fix symbol for that point? The code [FS044] means FAF for the approach (What is the ...
pilot162's user avatar
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What exactly does the expression "higher straight-in minimums" describe as "higher" relative to which value?

What does the description of note 1 that I marked in the image mean? What exactly does the expression "higher straight-in minimums" describe as "higher" relative to which value? ...
pilot162's user avatar
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What is the distinct difference between "Std" and "Standard" markings on Jeppesen charts?

What is the difference between "Std" and "Standard" markings on Jeppesen charts? I read the descriptions, but I can't make a clear distinction. Because both EASA and ICAO represent ...
pilot162's user avatar
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Why aren't the left and right papi lights written "in-line" in the lighting icons section of the Jeppesen chart?

Why aren't the left and right papi lights written "in-line" in the lighting icons section of the Jeppesen chart? Although there is REIL on other charts, it is written in line. Could this be ...
pilot162's user avatar
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What exactly is the difference between "to","on" and "via" in the missed approach icons section of Jeppesen charts?

What exactly is the difference between "to", "on" and "via" in the Missed approach icons section of Jeppesen charts? Sometimes "on" is used and sometimes "...
pilot162's user avatar
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How can stand numbers 1, 2 and 3 have the coordinates of 07.9 minutes North ins, but stand number 9 have the coordinates of 07.8 minutes North?

How can stand numbers 1, 2 and 3 have the coordinates of 07.9 minutes North ins, but stand number 9 have the coordinates of 07.8 minutes North? As can be seen from the blue line I drew visually, ...
pilot162's user avatar
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Which of the arrows in the magnetic variation symbol represents which North value (Magnetic N, True N)?

Which of the arrows in the magnetic variation symbol represents which North value (Magnetic N, True N)? According to my calculations, the arrow pointing to the top should point to magnetic north, ...
pilot162's user avatar
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Although 2 RVR device symbols are given in the airport planview, there are 3 RVRs (TDZ,MID,RO) in the takeoff limits section. How is this possible?

Although 2 RVR device symbols are given in the airport planview, it is written in the takeoff minimums section that all 3 RVR values (TDZ, Mid, Rollout) must be provided for the departure limits. MID ...
pilot162's user avatar
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Does the fact that the TDZ is not written for runway 22 means there are touchdown zone lights only for runway 04?

Does the fact that the TDZ is not written for runway 22 means there are touchdown zone lights only for runway 04?
pilot162's user avatar
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What are the names by which runways are classified according to the configuration of the placement of the approach lighting systems?

What are the names by which runways are classified according to the configuration of the placement of the approach lighting systems? (I'm not talking about HIALS or HIALS-II because those terms are ...
pilot162's user avatar
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Does this symbol in the pictures below represent height above ground level or altitude above sea level?

Does this symbol in the pictures below represent height above ground level or altitude above sea level? There are huge differences between them and the Grid MORA values, so I think there may be ...
pilot162's user avatar
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What are the meanings of the numbers "4500" written under the VOR and NDB boxes? (MHA?) (Recommended crossing altitude?)

Does it directly mean the minimum altitude for holdings on VOR or NDB or can it be interpreted in another way? Because MHA 4500 information for the holding is given on the right side. This picture is ...
pilot162's user avatar
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Why is the distance between BRY VOR and missed approach point 0.2 DME in the plan view, while it is specified as 0.1 DME below?

Why is the distance between BRY VOR and missed approach point 0.2 DME in the plan view, while it is specified as 0.1 DME below? If we consider that the localizer is 0.2 DME ahead of the runway ...
pilot162's user avatar
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What do the dates at the bottom right of the page mean? I shared the pictures

What do the dates at the bottom right of the page mean? It's easy to predict a single date, but what's the difference when there are two dates?
pilot162's user avatar
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What does "/" (slash) mean in the picture below?

What does the slash mark between R/V mean? Should both RVR and visibility be at least 400m, or should only one of the two values be at least 400m (ie the other could be lower)? If summarized to ...
pilot162's user avatar
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What does this star symbol mean in the airport chart?

I know that there is no unidentified beacon because it is not in the circle, because the star symbol inside the circle represents the unidentified beacon. So what does this star symbol mean?
pilot162's user avatar
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What are these blue lines around the runway at the airport chart that I marked with red line?

What are these blue lines around the runway at the airport chart that I marked with red lines? They are not waterways or taxiways so what are they? Yenisehir Airport (LTBR): Adana International ...
pilot162's user avatar
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There is a difference in the runway lighting systems symbolized in the planview and the lighting system specified in additional runway information?

Although two different lighting systems are symbolized for two runways in the airport plan view, the same lighting system is specified for runways 05 and 23 in the additional runway information ...
pilot162's user avatar
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What is a "BEACON"?

What is the "BEACON" and its symbol meaning from the Jeppesen Manual in the picture below? Does it just represent the beacon light? I'm confused.
pilot162's user avatar
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Garmin G1000 'Waves in a Circle' Symbol?

we had this symbol come up on a G1000 and could not find a reference for what it indicates. Could anyone tell me what it means?
Justin's user avatar
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What is the purpose of an MRA at an intersection such as the one depicted here?

Per Part 95 of Title 14 of the CFRs the Minimum Reception Altitide ("MRA") is defined as "the lowest altitude at which the intersection can be determined using the ground-based ...
Devil07's user avatar
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Why does a de Havilland Comet have radiation symbols on the instrument panel?

This image of a De Havilland Comet cockpit shows a radiation hazard symbol on each of the three centre panels, next to the (to me unknown) blue, green, and grey indicators. Why are they there? I can't ...
noughtnaut's user avatar
10 votes
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Why are different distances listed for the ILS and the LOC on this approach chart?

Maybe someone has an idea why are there two separate distance values (marked in blue) for ILS and LOC approaches?
Julious's user avatar
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Why would an airport be depicted with symbology for runways longer than 8,069 feet even though it is reported on the sectional as 7,200 feet?

This airport, KMKO, Muskogee-Davis Regional in Oklahoma southeast of Tulsa is depicted on the sectional chart with symbology normally reserved for airport with a hard surfaced runway longer than 8069 ...
Ryan Mortensen's user avatar
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Are there different symbols or graphics to identify different types of GA fuels?

Are there different symbols to identify the different types of fuels used for general aviation aircraft?
Carlo Nava's user avatar
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Does anyone know what this approach chart symbol is?

Does anyone know what the little “shell” like symbol on the taxi diagram is, under the 2239? Also, what do the little “P”s stand for? One is bolded and the other is not. The 'shell' and the two 'P's ...
Joey's user avatar
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What is the purpose of these "stickers" in the F/A-18 Super Hornet fuselage?

Photos source: screenshot from youtube video -> I think they can be used as fuselage reference points in flight testing, but I'm not sure. Are they part of NATO ...
XF-91's user avatar
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Symbology on standard terminal arrival (STAR) charts: T-ended vs arrow-ended lines?

I was looking at the STARs at KPHX. The ARLIN FOUR arrival here has T-ended lines between the BLYTHE VOR and SCOLE, and between SCOLE and CALIE fixes. It also has arrow-ended lines between CALIE and ...
slantalpha's user avatar
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What does the solid black star symbol on this VNC chart mean?

On the Canadian VNC there are symbols, the meaning of I can't quite figure out. In the Nanaimo aerodrome there are several "star" symbols. The unfilled one shows the location of the aerodrome beacon. ...
Tobias's user avatar
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Where can you find symbols (like these) that aren't on the legend?

I see a lot of these fan like symbols: ...on the Nav Canada Alaska Highway - Fort Nelson to Northway, 1:500,000 VFR Navigation Chart, but they're not anywhere on the map legend. I presume they'...
MattMatt's user avatar
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What does a dot inside two parenthesis mean on a weather depiction chart?

Earlier today, a friend asked me what this symbol (referring to an airport in Canada) on a weather depiction chart represented. I didn't know. (Full chart available here) What does a dot inside ...
Steve V.'s user avatar
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On SIGWX (significant weather) charts, what does **/** mean?

On SIGWX charts, it shows pairs of symbols with, say, */** or **/**. I know what the symbols mean on either side, but why are ...
Peter's user avatar
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What does "OBJECTIONABLE" indicate on a VFR chart?

On the Tulsa, Oklahoma VFR sectional the top of the outer Class C ring says "OBJECTIONABLE". Does this indicate some information on the chart is in dispute? I don't see anything in the VFR chart ...
Geoffrey Gallaway's user avatar
13 votes
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What are those thin magenta lines on the Sectional / Terminal Area Chart near Death Valley?

Due west of KLAS and Death Valley are a large number of MOAs and Restricted areas. On the sectional and terminal area charts, there are thin magenta lines snaking over some of the mountain tops. What ...
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