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Questions tagged [rotorcraft]

A rotorcraft is a heavier-than-air flying machine that uses lift generated by rotor blades revolving around one or more masts.

13 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Is there a convention of propeller tip separation from the wind tunnel walls?

Blockage ratio is commonly used to address the effect of confinement on the propeller's performance tested inside a closed test section of a wind tunnel. In most cases, blockage corrections (like ...
Ahmed's user avatar
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What is the arrangement of flapping, drag, and feathering hinges on a fully-articulated rotor hub?

Every diagram I have seen puts the flapping hinge closest to the rotor hub, but there seems to be variation whether the feathering comes next followed by the drag/lead-lag, or vice versa. For this CH-...
Rekov's user avatar
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Does a cyclic in a helicopter essentially control rotor attitude?

So the basics of helicopter control as I understand it, at least, in terms of roll and pitch, are as follows: A helicopter is caused to move through space by means of tilting the main rotor disc, ...
Romeo_4808N's user avatar
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Would a Tip Jet be more efficient or practical the bigger/longer it gets?

In summary, a tip jet is a jet nozzle at the tip of some helicopter rotor blades, used to spin the rotor without much torque. Source of the picture (it is an article) One of the types of Tip Jet is ...
mandiokai's user avatar
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Why aren't there rotorcraft with sailcloth rotors?

I was wondering why no one has built rotorcraft, e.g a gyrocopter with rotors made of sailcloth fabric instead of aluminium or composite, because I thought that such a rotor would have to spin at a ...
Robert Tattorn's user avatar
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How to retrieve the thrust distribution over a blade using XROTOR?

What is the procedure for retrieving the thrust distribution over a propeller blade using XROTOR? I need the sectional (i.e., for each station) thrust coefficient values. I was only able to retrieve ...
floyd123's user avatar
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Are there attempts at fly-by-wire servo flap controlled rotor?

Reading this question and then this document about servo flap controlled rotor I was wondering if there has been any attempt at building one fixed hub helicopter with twistable blades hosting at 75% ...
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What is the heaviest payload ever carried by a single main rotor helicopter?

What is the most heavy payload ever carried by a single main rotor Helicopter?
securitydude5's user avatar
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what is the lower pressure plate in the swashplate assembly? is it the same as the lower stationary swash plate? or is it the drive scissors?

Im looking at the rotor assembly of a BlackHawk. The natops manual states the following, "...The lower pressure plate, in conjunction with the main shaft nut, secures the shaft extension to the ...
YamchaAviator's user avatar
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Gyroscopic Precession in Coaxial Helicopters

I'm trying to understand gyroscopic Precession in the case of coaxial helicopters. Obviously the effect still exists. But if gyroscopic Precession is a result of counter torque. Shouldn't the effect ...
Slartibartfast's user avatar
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How much power and lift margin do helicopters have for hover?

Suppose you are designing a helicopter and trying to size the rotor system for hover and flight. Your helicopter has a certain gross weight at sea level, standard atmosphere. How much additional lift ...
Gerry's user avatar
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What design characteristics influence helicopter wind gust spread tolerance during takeoff and landing

Not considering pilot reaction time, what factors influence a helicopter's ability to survive high wind gust spreads (from any direction) during takeoff and landing? I have considered: Swash plate ...
max's user avatar
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VTOL Propeller Sizing and Executing a transition from VTOL to Forward Flight mission profile

Hi I am an engineering student, currently in the process of designing a compound UAV drone capable of both vertical and forward flight. I've made significant progress, having completed initial gross ...
AeroBoi's user avatar