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Questions tagged [principles-of-flight]

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2 answers

What is the speed of 1.32 Vmd?

*Aeroplane CL/CD polar curve (Image Source: Principles of flight. ATPL ground training series - Author: CAE Oxford Aviation Academy (UK) Limited 2014) I’m studying Flight Mechanics in my textbook and ...
Denis's user avatar
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What is the difference between rate of roll and roll displacement?

I was studying Principles of Flight, I came across a sentence which is my question. _ the aileron is known as a rate control since a given aileron angle of deflection determines a rate of roll, not a ...
Pilot's user avatar
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Stall on low airspeed with high power on right-turning propeller

Q: The pilot of an aeroplane with a single engine and right-turning propeller (clockwise from the pilot’s viewpoint) decides to go around. The pilot raises the nose too much as the power increases and ...
Filip Adam's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Induced drag vs parasite drag understanding

I am having the following graphic from one of the question for the EASA PPL(A) exam. While I know that: (1) represents "induced drag", as its decreasing with higher speed (2) represents &...
Tudor Ravoiu's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How does deploying full flaps affect Takeoff run and distance?

There is a question in EASA Question Bank (AviationExam) that asks: How will the takeoff distance change if the flaps are increased from 0 to full? (a) Reduce (this is marked as correct since many ...
Uzair's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Why is buffet and/or stall more likely to occur in a thunderstorm? [closed]

the correct answer for this Q is: "Because in a thunderstorm the speed of the aeroplane for a given power setting decreases, and the stall speed increases" I would like to know why in a ...
Filip Adam's user avatar
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Aircraft load factor and body normal acceleration

A load factor is defined as "the ratio of the lift of an aircraft to its weight", i.e., N = Lift/Weight. Normal acceleration (nz) is defined as the component of the linear acceleration of an ...
VvV's user avatar
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What causes a normal shock wave on a wing?

I am wondering what causes a normal shockwave on a wing? I mean why does the airflow (that becomes supersonic over a part of the airfoil) slows down somewhere over that wing suddenly to a subsonic ...
Konrad's user avatar
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Is this description of lift and drag coefficients correct?

In my course (Principles of Flight) written: The effect of CLift is not linear. This means that Lift doubles for double the lift coefficient. And The effect of CDrag is linear. This means that for ...
Sergey's user avatar
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what is the actual force causes this issue according to IAS that shows normal descend speed?

When we have tail wind during approach , with respect of Aerodynamic forces that effect on airplane , the whole part of fuselage move forward due to tailwind, also we have about 70kts IAS (in general ...
Mohammad Gohardoust's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How does Propeller windmilling work?

I’ve got a problem with understanding propeller windmilling. What I know is that when rpm are low and tas is high the blade aoa goes „over” the blade and is some kind of negative now, producing thrust ...
Konrad's user avatar
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Does downwash increase or reduce lift generation?

I’m wondering about the impact of downwash on lift generation. I've read that, because downwash creates lift according to Newton's third law of motion, increases in downwash due to greater AoA (...
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