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5 votes
2 answers

Can the energy dissipated in a power-off descent be calculated and expressed in horsepower?

If the weight in pounds of an aircraft is known along with its sink rate in feet per minute at best power-off glide conditions, can the horsepower being dissipated by drag as the plane descends via ...
niels nielsen's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Are there more refined rules-of-thumb for Top of Descent calculation, than the simple FL x 3?

Forgetting the excellent capabilities of VNAV for a moment and reverting to simpler days, is there a rule of thumb to further refine the FL x 3 rule for Top of Descent calculation, when there are ...
Stamatis Vellis's user avatar
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2 answers

How do we calculate top of descent (TOD) in flight? [duplicate]

What is the in-flight trick? I know how to calculate it in theory, but how can I calculate it fast? For example, I know I can use this formula for calculating the rate of descent: [ground speed + ...
Arian's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

What is the maths behind the descent rate calculation?

The descent rate calculation states that descent rate is calculated by 'groundspeed / 2 * 10'. Another document stated that the ground speed should be multiplied by 5 (or more accurately 5.2) to ...
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2 votes
1 answer

How does the FAA compute the values in TPP's Climb/Descent Table?

The inside back cover of the FAA Terminal Procedures Publication contains a table headed “CLIMB/DESCENT TABLE,” excerpted below. Source: FAA, p. 19 How do required ascent or descent ...
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