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Questions tagged [performance-based-navigation]

Performance-based-navigation (PBN) specifics the standards of RNP and RNAV for navigation (inc. approaches).

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Why do we have a grid-like layout of nav waypoints over the Gulf of Mexico

This is an unusual feature found, apparently only over the Gulf of Mexico south of the Continental United States. There appears to be an array of NAV waypoints, evenly laid out in an 18 x 20 nautical ...
Romeo_4808N's user avatar
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Difference between accuracy, integrity, availability, continuity, and functionality

My understanding is that accuracy is how close my estimated position is to my actual position at a certain point in time. I don't really understand how integrity is different from accuracy. Continuity ...
Name's user avatar
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Desired track for aircraft navigation

I am working on a flight planning application and I am need to calculate the desired track(DTK) of the current leg and upcoming legs of a entered flight plan. The formula and logic of solving that is ...
nabpp's user avatar
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How is RNP's onboard performance monitoring and alerting system represented in the cockpit?

I'm trying to understand what is exactly onboard performance monitoring and alerting system related to RNP. Does it display some extent of deviation or just beeps as alarm? And if that system exists ...
Alexander's user avatar
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what is ''extended runway centerline''?

When we calculate performance with fly smart,we see:‘‘Take off based on climbing on extended runway centerline‘‘. What is the meaning of‘‘extended runway centerline‘‘?How long is Extended?
afanti's user avatar
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Does RNAV and RNP specify what type of longitudinal accuracy the system has?

I understand RNAV 1 to mean it will be within 1 mile of the desired track 95% of the time, but that is lateral accuracy, what about longitudinal accuracy, in front and behind the estimated position ...
Name's user avatar
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Is baro-VNAV the only possible source of vertical guidance on LNAV/VNAV approach?

As written before, is baro-VNAV the only possible source of vertical guidance on LNAV/VNAV approach? I read somewhere that SBAS is also a possible source, but in that case wouldn’t it be a LPV ...
Konrad's user avatar
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What are all the different ways pilots can navigate?

What are all the different ways pilots can navigate? What are they in simple terms and their unique advantages/disadvantages? EX: Dead-reckoning? VOR? GPS? ATC Directives? Others?
TayE's user avatar
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Flight management System(FMS) related to Performance Managment

What are the recommends criteria and requirements for a Flight Management System (FMS) for transport aircraft related to Performance Database or Performance Management
Hariom Singh's user avatar
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How to calculate ground speed using a map with a known scale and time?

If an aircraft flies from point A to B for a distance of 8cm on a chart of 1:1,000,000 in 18 minutes, What’s the ground speed? It’s a multiple choice question and the possible answers are in ratios. (...
Angie's user avatar
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Has FAA published any A-RNP STAR or A-RNP / RNP AR DP SID?

After reading FAA's Performance Based Navigation Strategy 2016, I tried to search for already published Departure Procedures of RNP specification. I could only find some that require RNP-1, even ...
Vector Zita's user avatar
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Does a Navigation Specification characterize all legs of a terminal procedure?

I am studying the different parts of Instrument Flight Procedures, as they are described by FAA's manuals, such as the Aeronautical Information Manual, TERPS and Performance Based Navigation. For ...
Vector Zita's user avatar
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Which Navigation Specifications support an RF leg?

I am studying FAA's rules concerning navigation specifications and the utilization of RF legs in an Instrument Flight Procedure. However, I am having trouble understanding if an RF leg is supported by ...
Vector Zita's user avatar
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Why are there no RNAV (ILS) approaches?

While studying the PBN (FAA Order 8260.58A) and TERPS (FAA order 8260.3D) documents, I still have some trouble figuring part of the logic behind the naming and definitions of the published IAP Charts. ...
Vector Zita's user avatar
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How much difference in heading/bearing between consecutive legs is "officially" considered a turn?

While examining FAA's TERPS manual (Order 8260.3D) and PBN manual (Order 8260.58A), I noticed two seemingly contradictory statements. TERPS 8260.3D Chapter 14. Departure Routes, 14-3-4 . Construct ...
Vector Zita's user avatar
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What are early/inside and late/outside turns (see, e.g., PBN Manual Order 8260.58A) and when do pilots perform them?

While studying FAA's PBN Manual (Order 8260.58A), I came across the concept of early/inside and late/outside turn construction (Section 5-3. Turning Departures). For each of the possible cases, it ...
Vector Zita's user avatar
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How to accurately determine Navigation Accuracy from FAA's PBN Criteria (Order 8260.58A)?

I am trying to understand how to determine the Navigation Accuracy for a given flight phase of an Instrument Flight Procedure, from the US Standard for PBN Instrument Procedure Design (Order 8260.58A)....
Vector Zita's user avatar
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Is GLS (GBAS landing system) an RNAV approach?

PBN which is contrast to conventional navigation consists of RNAV and RNP. And I know that general RNAV approach of IAP has up to 4 minima such as LPV, LNAV, LNAV/VNAV, and LP. And I know that GLS ...
Min's user avatar
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Why do some airfields not have a climb gradient for LPV?

Can anyone advise why for some airfields there are minimum approach climb gradients for LNAV with none for LPV, while at other airfields there are minimum approach climb gradients for both LPV and ...
andy-m's user avatar
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Why isn't an LPV SBAS approach considered a precision approach according to ICAO?

According to ICAO's classification, LPV SBAS approach is in the APV group, because it doesn't meet some specifications for precision approaches. But what exactly does it not meet? Glossary: LPV: ...
Jakub's user avatar
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