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Questions tagged [mel]

For questions about the Minimum Equipment List (MEL), which is a list of equipment that may be inoperative for a flight and contains the associated conditions.

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20 votes
3 answers

Is Aeroflot flying airliners without brakes?

I have just read the news that the Russian flag carrier Aeroflot has deactivated the brakes on nine of its aircraft. Not to dismiss the journalistic talent behind these reports, but could it be that ...
Quora Feans's user avatar
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2 answers

How should a Minimum Equipment List (MEL) be used?

I want to make sure that I understand how an MEL is used. Does this list have instruments that are needed or not needed to conduct safe operations? For example, if I have an altimeter that’s ...
youngpilot's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Why can’t NEF items be placed on an MEL?

Why can’t Non-Essential Furnishings (NEF) items simply be incorporated into the Minimum Equipment List (MEL)? I understand that an NEF is part of an MEL but what limits the items on an NEF from being ...
Wes's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the difference between MMEL and MEL?

What was the need to introduced MEL if MMEL is there and is less restrictive than MEL ?
Sourabh Jain's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Why are the affected engine's bleed and pack switched off when there is an engine bleed under MEL?

My question mainly pertains to A320neo's equipped with PW engines. The MEL procedure states that the crew has to switch off the affected side's engine bleed, and its associated pack pushbutton to off. ...
Jai's user avatar
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Why does the A320 IR2 MEL OPS procedure suggest to switch to ADR3?

The A320 34-10-05B IR2 MEL OPS procedure additionally calls for Air Data switching to FO3. When ADR 2 is working fine why replace its data on the FO PFD when only IR data is lost?
Xerxesdk's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Is a Cessna 172S still airworthy if factory-installed instrumentation not required for day VFR flight is inoperative?

A C172S I occasionally rent had the EGT gauge placarded INOP when it had a JPI EDM-700 engine monitor installed. The placard sits on the gauge so you can no longer see the needle. Probably the single ...
Philipp's user avatar
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1 answer

What, if any, equipment on a commercial airliner is (allowed to be) inoperative most of the time? [closed]

Since airliners are bound by their minimum equipment list, I was wondering, which parts/systems that are not on the minimum equipment list are often inoperative on normal commercial flights.
user33651's user avatar
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Why is IGN SYSTEM A FAULT dispatch a NO GO on the A320 for ETOPS?

In the A320 MEL if Ignition system A is under MEL the aircraft can't be dispatched for ETOPS. Why is it specifically restricted for ETOPS because even while conducting non ETOPS if we go into ...
Jai's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

If ELAC 1 is under MEL why is it a NO GO item when carrying out EDTO on the A320?

In the MEL for the A320 it is mentioned that ELAC 1 is a NO GO if carrying out EDTO operations. Why is ELAC 1 specifically for EDTO? In that case shouldn't it be for non EDTO operations also. This ...
Jai's user avatar
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1 answer

Why would a pilot's armrest be a no-go item?

From the end of issue #216 (June 1997) of Callback: Another First Officer also learned too late the importance of consulting the MEL before take-off. Inbound equipment arrived late. About ...
Vikki's user avatar
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2 answers

What is a 5 Tube System?

I've been going over the new Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL) for Textron Aviation Model 500 Series Citations and on page 70 an Electronic Flight Information System (EFIS) 5 or 3 Tube System is ...
PIXP's user avatar
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What is a Ground Power Dispatch Switch?

I've been going over the new Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL) for Textron Aviation Model 500 Series Citations and on page 36 a Ground Power Dispatch Switch is mentioned but I can't find any ...
PIXP's user avatar
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Why can’t we perform CONFIG 1+F Takeoff in the following conditions as per the MEL?

I was reading in one of my company notices that we can’t perform config 1+f takeoff on the Airbus A320 if we have the following faults. SFCC SLAT CHANNEL FAULT ADR 2 FAULT IR 2 INOPERATIVE Could ...
Jai's user avatar
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18 votes
2 answers

How accurate must fuel gauges be for VFR flight?

All Private Pilots should know the acronym TOMATO FLAMES for the Minimum Equipment List (MEL). On that list, F means Fuel Gauges.But what exactly is required of fuel gauges? Yesterday, my rental ...
abelenky's user avatar
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