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Questions tagged [instrument-rating]

An endorsement to a pilot's license that allows the holder to legally perform flights under instrument flight rules (IFR).

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0 votes
1 answer

Detail an appropriate report to ATC when entering a holding pattern?

Regarding VOR holding calls, what should be included in the initial call when entering hold in the Houston TX USA area?
0 votes
1 answer

Instrument rating foreign pilot via non-basa(IFP) or foreign pilot via basa( IFB)?

I'm a peruvian comercial pilot trying to get the FAA private license and also the instrument rating. My question as the tittle says; I'm confuse about which one I'm supposed to take.I've been looking ...
1 vote
2 answers

Do I need to keep my foreign based PPL after passing an FAA instrument checkride?

I have a foreign based PPL (PPL issue on the basis and valid only as long as my foreign PPL is valid). I'm going to go for an instrument rating checkride very soon. Assuming I pass the checkride ...
1 vote
2 answers

Can I get an FAA instrument rating if I hold a private certificate based on a foreign license?

I have an EASA PPL/Medical with VFR privileges only. I have an FAA license which is based upon the EASA license. I’ve lived in the US for 5 years and would like to obtain an IR. Can I get an FAA IR ...
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1 answer

Safety pilot logging PIC XC time

The FAA Legal Interpretation (Gebhart) makes it clear that if: Pilot A flies the whole XC flight (> 50 nm), including the enroute portion under the hood, and Pilot B acts as safety pilot enroute ...
3 votes
2 answers

Confusion about the 6 month timeline for instrument currency

14 CFR 61.57 (c)(1) says that "within the 6 months PRECEDING the month of flight, that person has performed the following tasks..." (6 instrument approaches and the rest). To keep things ...
1 vote
1 answer

Best study strategy for instrument checkride?

My instrument check ride is fast approaching, and I want to come up with a comprehensive study strategy to prepare. I feel a bit overwhelmed with the amount of information I feel I should memorize and ...
0 votes
1 answer

Hood time with an autopilot

I'm trying to build simulated instrument time (under the hood) flying an airplane with an autopilot. Let's say I have a safety pilot, I put a flight plan in the autopilot, I put the hood on, I engage ...
3 votes
1 answer

Can an instructor with an Instrument Airplane Instructor rating instruct for PPL?

I'm graduating from college this May, and as a graduation gift, I'm planning on getting my FAA PPL. I'm wondering if my father (with the FAA ratings below) could be my instructor for the 20 hours of ...
2 votes
1 answer

Can I retake my instrument rating written and practical exam with the FAA?

I was looking to get my restricted ATP at a university, but one of the requirements is to get my instrument rating from that university. Since I already have my instrument rating, but have not flown ...
6 votes
1 answer

For purposes of the FAA instrument written, which system becomes primary for pitch following an AHRS failure?

Sheppard Air claims to have questions exactly from the FAA test. I'm wondering what folks think of the Q&A for this one. It asks In the event of an AHRS failure, what becomes your primary pitch ...
4 votes
1 answer

Can I log Simulated Instrument time with a safety pilot if I need an Instrument Proficiency Check?

Can I log Simulated Instrument flight time and instrument approaches with a safety pilot if I need an Instrument Proficiency Check? I am instrument rated but haven't done my 6 Instrument approaches ...
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0 answers

Rating Title Differences with ICAO CPL

I graduated from an integrated ATPL programme in Turkey. Rating part of my CPL is comprised of two lines. Goes like: IR/ME Valid until ... MEP(land) Valid until.. However, my friend from my class(with ...
3 votes
1 answer

Is a CFII required in order for a flight Instructor to provide training for added class ratings?

Must a flight instructor have a CFII to provide multi-engine add-on training to a customer meeting the following criteria: Holds a commercial pilot certificate with a single engine land class rating. ...
11 votes
2 answers

Can a missed approach be used to satisfy the requirements for the long cross country as part of an instrument rating?

The long cross country requirements are as follows: §61.65(d)(2) (ii) Instrument flight training on cross country flight procedures, including one cross country flight in an airplane with an ...
2 votes
1 answer

Calendar months "preceding month" vs "before date"?

What is the difference between 14 CFR 61.39(a)(6)(i) which states, "Has received and logged training time within 2 calendar months preceding the month of the application in preparation for the ...
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1 answer

Can a private pilot legally act as a safety pilot for an instrument student performing approaches under the hood? [duplicate]

Someone is looking for a safety pilot so that they can build instrument hours under the hood and practice instrument holds / approaches. Is there any reg that would prevent me (a private pilot) from ...
12 votes
5 answers

What specific hazard is the practice of identifying an ILS LOC by Morse code trying to prevent?

This question got me wondering about the practice of tuning a navigation frequency, selecting it on the audio panel, and then identifying it by listening to the three letter Morse code signal. I know ...
5 votes
5 answers

Are ILS approaches taught as part of instrument rating?

Are ILS approaches taught as part of instrument rating? What categories specifically? CAT I? CAT II? CAT III A? CAT III B? CAT III C?
2 votes
2 answers

What are the books that a must read when starting instrument rating? [closed]

Also, is there a book like the visual maneuvers handbook regarding instrument procedures?
5 votes
1 answer

Can I log simulated IMC time in a simulator without a CFII?

I am working on my instrument rating under part 61. I need 40 hours of simulated IMC and 20 of those hours can be in a certified AATD simulator like a redbird. Do I need a CFII to sign off on those ...
3 votes
1 answer

Can a US pilot residing in the EU fly N-reg under IFR on a US PPL?

I am a US citizen living in the Netherlands, and I have an FAA PPL(A) with current IR as well as an EASA PPL(A) without IR. I am currently trying to figure out my easiest path to IR conversion, as I ...
4 votes
1 answer

Which sub-scale setting may a pilot use on an instrument approach in South Africa--QFE or QNH?

I saw this question in my Instrument Rating exam and I need to know which answer is correct, A or B. Question: As far as the vertical reference of an aircraft during the final approach segment of an ...
2 votes
1 answer

Can a non-IFR rated pilot accept an IFR clearance, provided the operation occurs in VMC only?

According to this FAA ruling a pilot can operate an aircraft under an IFR flight plan even if the aircraft is not IFR certified, provided the operation occurs in VMC. What the ruling doesn't ...
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0 answers

How do I maximize flight hour usage in getting an instrument rating?

I recently finished a private pilot certificate and I'd like to get a instrument rating while keeping my costs low. I understand I'll need 50 hours of cross country PIC time (VFR) and 40 hours ...
6 votes
1 answer

What is the role of a CFI (not CFII) as safety pilot for hood time?

I am an instrument student at a flight school with a "primary" CFII whom I'm logging dual instruction time. Things are going pretty well, making progress but the instructor has been ...
7 votes
2 answers

Does a standalone EASA Multi-Engine Instrument Rating exist?

I'm starting an A320 type rating in a couple of months, but my MEP/IR is expiring before that. The pre-entry requirements were only a ME IR. Got me wondering: can I just revalidate my ME IR and let my ...
4 votes
1 answer

Must a CFII be instrument current to provide instrument training?

Can a CFII conduct training for an instrument student in VFR conditions if the CFII isn’t instrument current?
6 votes
1 answer

Advantages to doing an initial instrument rating training in a Cirrus over a conventional aircraft?

I live in Australia and I'm in the process of choosing a school for my instrument rating. I need feedback from the many of you out there with IFR experience willing to share their thoughts. I'm going ...
2 votes
1 answer

Part 65.61.d.2 IFR Requirements [duplicate]

I have a question regarding this requirement as I work on my IFR SEL rating: Forty hours of actual or simulated instrument time in the areas of operation listed in paragraph (c) of this section, ...