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Questions tagged [hang-glider]

Use for questions regarding gliders where the pilot rides in a harness hanging off the airframe, usually controlled using a weight-shift control system. For weight-shift powered aircraft, use the [weight-shift-control] tag instead.

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4 votes
2 answers

What is "negative geometric washout"?

I read that the wing of a hang glider should be tightened with cables so that it has a "negative washout", but I didn't really find anything about what this means
Entaldalpe's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it possible to have a foot powered hang-glider?

My goal is to build a pedal-powered hang-glider capable of traveling at least 80 kilometers per hour. Is such a unit possible in principle, or do we need orders of magnitude more power?
Entaldalpe's user avatar
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1 answer

How do streamlines look on the wing of a hang glider?

How do streamlines/flow look like on single surface wing of hang gliders, especialy on the lower side? Has anyone installed tufts or done CFD analysis on this?
22flower's user avatar
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Are there retractable, compact hang gliders?

I was wondering if there were hang gliders that you could, say wear on your back, in which the wings would retract into the suit. Kind of like the falcon in the mcu? If they aren't there, why not?
Sreenandan Balasubramaniam's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

What is the lightest powered hang glider?

And how light can it be for foot-launch and climbing on its own power? I know there are stunningly light paragliders, but they are slow, inefficient, the wings wear out quickly, and they are prone to ...
L29Ah's user avatar
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2 answers

Do raked wingtips reduce drag of a hang glider?

Do they realy reduce drag or improve performance? If so, how?
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1 answer

Why hang glider dont over pitch when inrease AoA?

Glider change AoA with changing c.g. To do that,you must push control bar forward,your c.g. move back,so we have torque in clockwise direction which wants rotate glider.. Situation can be even worse,...
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3 votes
3 answers

Is center of gravity (C.G.) of wing itself in line with hang point (hang glider)?

Where is center of gravity (C.G.) of hang glider wing? Is it the hang point, in front of it, or behind it? Is the control bar "neutral" when the glider is at rest and there is no wind or ...
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2 votes
3 answers

What determines the "hang point" and control bar position of a hang glider?

What is the relation between Center of Pressure (C.P.), Aerodynamic Center (A.C.), "hang point" (the point where the flexible "hang strap" connects to the glider, or the point ...
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1 vote
4 answers

Pros and cons of a thin cambered wing?

What are the pros and cons of a thin cambered wing? Does a thin cambered wing suffer from a flow separation bubble on the lower side, at cruising speed/low AoA? Very roundy leading edge, can air ...
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9 votes
4 answers

Can hang glider hover straight into wind and keep same position? [duplicate]

Isnt resultant force allways pointing slighlty backward at every wing,so why hang glider is not push downwind by the wind? From theory that cant be possible,so does wind somehow coming at him at ...
member2017's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What are the differences between battens and ribs?

What are the differences between battens and ribs?
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5 votes
7 answers

An airplane has an engine that pushes its flight. What force pushes a glider to fly? [duplicate]

An airplane has an engine that pushes its flight. What force pushes a glider to fly? Is it gravity? I think the flight of a glider is driven by gravity, but some people disagree with me. They say ...
enbin's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How should a glider pilot handle inadvertently entering a foreign country?

Typically, when an aircraft lands on a different country than its departure, it has to land on an international airport. There many services are provided like customs, passport control etc, to make ...
user3634713's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What does the acronym PDA stand for in the aviation domain

While reading an article about Hang Gliding reserve parachutes, I came across the acronym "PDA". The article seemed to imply that this is a type of parachute and a further google search seems to ...
bclarkreston's user avatar
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36 votes
2 answers

Why can't I hang glide in NYC?

I was stopped by NYPD for attempting to hang glide in an uncongested area by Midland Beach, Staten Island. They called their Legal Bureau and came back with "Illegal Navigation" and if I was to ...
royjr's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Does wind provide lift for hang gliders in the air?

Basically, if there are no thermals, but a strong wind, is there a way to use that wind to gain altitude?
Theo's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

How can hang gliders and paraglider pilots prevent stall?

Aircraft and gliders usually have instruments to measure air speed and angle of attack, which should be monitored to prevent stalling the aircraft. However, it seems that most paragliders and hang-...
Antzi's user avatar
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1 answer

What flies better in turbulent wind?

I trying to find a way to stay in a jet stream unpowered for a larger question. Is there a glider, kite or plane that flies best when in turbulent weather?
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5 votes
2 answers

Is there a worldwide association for stunt/trick/tournament hang-gliding?

I'm wondering if there is any prevailing organized body of sports-people in hang-gliders, other gliders, and/or personal non-powered glide craft in general? I'm particularly interested in stunts ...
New Alexandria's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Is it technically feasible to make a solar hang glider?

Is there any hang glider with solar sheets on top that can charge the e-trike or the e-Lift's battery in flight ? Just like the Sunseeker...
Ayan Mullick's user avatar
8 votes
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can the wreckages of a hot air balloon and a hang glider be salvaged for a working hang glider?

I'm currently working through my collection of Spike and Suzy albums, and in the album I'm currently reading, one of the main characters crashes with a hot air balloon near the wreckage of a hang ...
Nzall's user avatar
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