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Questions tagged [go-around]

Use for aborting a landing; use [missed-approach] for published procedures of the same

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9 votes
3 answers

Why do commercial airliners go around on hard touchdown?

I was watching this video where he mentioned that a plane went around on hard touchdown. This isn't the only instance I have seen where they do this. So, why do they do so? Isn't it a loss of profits ...
Sambhav Khandelwal's user avatar
1 vote
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How is separation ensured after a go-around due to a busy runway

In watching aviation / ATC videos, I've often seen situations like the following: airplane A is coming in to land, but airplane B is already on the same runway trying to take off. Either it's slow ...
EugeneO's user avatar
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Why do Belugas keep executing a go-around?

I live under the approach path for the Airbus facility in Hamburg and very often a Beluga executes a go-around. It is quite loud since when it pitches up the engines are pointing at my house. I wonder ...
Joe Bentley's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Question about go-around trajectory [closed]

What does ATC expect you to do if you go around on a visual approach, considering you were never cleared for an instrument approach? Do you set go-around altitude according to the instrument approach ...
user67133's user avatar
8 votes
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Why is the missed approach point sometimes beyond the threshold or runway like in the example below?

Why is the missed approach point beyond the threshold or sometimes beyond the runway like in the picture below? Is it just to simplify the ATC job or prevent routes from crossing or is it procedural?
pilot162's user avatar
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Are details logged anywhere on a go-around? [duplicate]

On March 1 I was a passenger on an American Airlines flight (AA 2315) landing at Denver International Airport, during the landing the pilot accelerated unexpectedly and started a turn. He came on the ...
Betty Crokker's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What happened to ANA 66 on November 12, 2021? [closed]

Looking by the window I saw two planes approaching Haneda. It stroke me as a bit odd that one of the plane seemed to have stopped descent and might not have intended to land. I checked flight radar, ...
Antzi's user avatar
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4 answers

What navigation actions does a pilot take when simply told to "go around"?

In this recording of ATC during the 2008 crash of a British Airways Boeing 777 at London Heathrow the controller is heard to say "Qatari 011, go around". How would the pilot of Qatari 011 ...
glaucon's user avatar
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How common are go-arounds at Penghu Airport?

A friend mentioned being a passenger during a commercial aircraft landing at Taiwan's Penghu Airport (MZG, RCQC) where they had almost touched down but had to abort and keep going due to sudden wind ...
uhoh's user avatar
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33 votes
4 answers

Where's the A318 on the runway that caused a 747 to go around?

I screenshot 1:00 of a 480p YouTube video. The autopilot proclaims Minimums at 1:01, and the pilot flying decides to go around at 1:02 because an A318 was still on the runway, but I can't spot it, or ...
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9 votes
2 answers

Could an airliner abort a landing after using the brakes system while landing?

Everyone knows that doing a go-around is a normal procedure, although the go-around happens usually before applying the brakes system (spoilers, ground/air brakes, and/or thrust reversers), but, could ...
JuanP. Zuniga's user avatar
5 votes
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In aircraft where the thrust reversers are not locked out when airborne, is it permissible to go around after reverser deployment?

In general, a go-around, in a jetliner, must either be performed before thrust reverser deployment, or not at all. This is because attempting a go-around after reverser deployment may result in loss ...
Vikki's user avatar
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3 answers

When (if ever) can ATC order an aircraft to go around?

Can ATC order an aircraft to go around if there is a tailwind? Or should ATC give the pilots the current wind information and let them decide whether to go around or land?
Vito's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the procedure for a fast landing that is too slow for go-around? [closed]

Say an aircraft (A320 or similar) on landing, hits the tarmac way too fast and on a short runway, less than V2 but around V1 or slightly over. This could happen if a pilot had recently moved from ...
Cloud's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Questions about go around safety

When I perform a go around, how it is guaranteed there will be no traffic on my go around route for both controlled or uncontrolled airport?
VvV's user avatar
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Is there an order for the instructions of a go-around?

Scenario: Aircraft on final is approaching the threshold. A departing aircraft is slow to roll and ATC must issue a go-around instruction. ATC: PULL UP AND GO AROUND. TURN LEFT HEADING 360 MAINTAIN ...
ezalpha's user avatar
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2 answers

Are go-arounds prohibited at St Barth (TFFJ)?

The description of this video claims that past a certain point — which is around the turn to final — on approach to TFFJ (St. Barth) runway 28, a go-around is prohibited. That sounds strange. I ...
Jan Hudec's user avatar
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0 answers

What is the cause of this roll oscillation during BA492 go-around? [closed]

Earlier today, BA492 aborted a landing at Gibraltar due to a strong tailwind, according to this article. Videos of the go-around show the Airbus A320 undergoing pronounced oscillation in the roll axis:...
binaryfunt's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Why does the 737 auto-land trim up at around 400 feet RA?

From the 737NG FCOM: 400 Feet Radio Altitude The stabilizer is automatically trimmed an additional amount nose up. If the A/Ps subsequently disengage, forward control column force may be required to ...
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What is the correct go-around procedure in a PA-44?

I wanted some advice on a procedural-type question. In the PA-44 (Piper Seminole) go-around procedure, it is listed as follows: MIXTURES ............................................FULL RICH ...
Joey's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

What is the difference between a go-around and a missed approach?

What is the difference between a go-around and a missed approach? What are the steps involved in each of the procedures?
TayE's user avatar
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Do pilots know which heading to fly in case of a go around?

If the choice to go around is always an option for the pilot as described in Do pilots need a clearance to go around?, is the heading to go around always well-known at every airport?
lit's user avatar
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35 votes
5 answers

Do pilots need a clearance to go around?

I have read about the missed-SFO-accident and watched the 2:22 movie. I want to ask about going-around (or canceling takeoff) when the pilot is fully aware of an emergency that the tower is not (or is ...
usr-local-ΕΨΗΕΛΩΝ's user avatar
22 votes
3 answers

Is an aborted landing considered an incident for the FAA?

I was a passenger on a commercial aircraft on final approach into Salt Lake City. As we desended to approximately 1000' the pilot suddenly gunned the engine, climbed and aborted the landing. He then ...
Danny Kono's user avatar
3 votes
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Does go-around require more power than take-off?

The complete version of Buran spacecraft would have had two engines that were not sufficient for take-off under own power. Is it possible to say that if the aircraft is not capable of taking off ...
h22's user avatar
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Why is the flight director at 9 degrees nose high when hitting TOGA?

Why is the flight director set to 9 degrees pitch up, when pressing the takeoff / go-around (TOGA) button? In all the jets I fly, this is the case and I would be curious to know if other jets set ...
wbeard52's user avatar
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5 answers

Do I have to notify ATC if I go-around when I was cleared for a touch and go?

If I was cleared for a touch and go and go-around on short final or just before touchdown, do I have to notify ATC? I still would have made a takeoff after the touchdown during a touch and go, so it'...
Noah Krasser's user avatar
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5 answers

Can a passenger force a Go Around?

Sorry if this question is too stupid, but I wonder what would happen if a passenger on the first row just behind the cockpit (ie. on a 737) starts screaming "GO AROUND" when the plane is about to ...
rupps's user avatar
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Is the Runway Visual Range (RVR) communicated to the pilots?

During CAT IIIA/IIIB approach where the decision height is 50 ft/0 ft, if the Runway Visual Range requirement for the approach is not met, what is a pilot to do? I mean, 50 ft (or even 100 ft?) seem ...
user2927392's user avatar
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6 answers

Why retract flaps at go-around?

As I understand the procedure for go-around it includes retracting the flaps. Why is this? The decision to make a go-around must sometimes be made quickly, under stressful conditions, like in bad ...
cvr's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Is there a reason to be worried about go-arounds as a passenger? [duplicate]

The last night I had an "interesting" experience with an aborted landing, which was a bit dramatic for my liking. Heavy fog and darkness didn't help either. Pilot told us that the reason for aborted ...
Mladen Janković's user avatar
3 votes
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How frequent are touch-and-gos?

Other questions on this site say that go-arounds are roughly 1-3 per 1,000 landings. But in many of them, as described by passengers, the wheels don't actually touch the ground. Recently I had a touch-...
Kate Gregory's user avatar
20 votes
6 answers

Do multiple go-arounds on the same flight happen in commercial aviation?

I know that go-arounds are pretty rare: somewhere around 2 per 1000 approaches. In large commercial aircraft the rate is probably even lower due to crew quality, instrumentation, conservative ...
curious_cat's user avatar
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8 votes
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How often do commercial flights go-around? [duplicate]

I've seen many references here to a flight going around, and YouTube is filled with videos of it happening, but I don't recall ever having been on a commercial flight that had an aborted landing. It ...
FreeMan's user avatar
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26 votes
5 answers

Why are pilots asked to provide a reason for a go-around?

Why does the tower ask pilots what the reason is for a go-around? This seems to be standard for commercial flights.
fooot's user avatar
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3 answers

Are conditional line-up clearances still valid if the referenced traffic initiates a go-around / missed approach?

Suppose you are the captain of Big Jet 345: Big Jet 345, behind landing Boeing 757, line up runway 27, behind Behind landing Boeing 757, line up runway 27, behind, Big Jet 345 Now suppose the ...
Hugh's user avatar
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3 answers

How are go-arounds safe with close parallel runways?

Some airports operate simultaneous take off and landing on parallel but close runways. By close, I mean like the pairs of runways at LAX. What if a landing aircraft makes a go-around at the same time ...
Aaron Lockey's user avatar
21 votes
4 answers

Is it possible to go-around at Lukla Airport?

On this airport, it seems the runway end with a wall followed by a mountains. Thus the pilots physically can't overrun the runway and if they decide to interrupt the landing, the go-around maneuver ...
Manu H's user avatar
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How much does go-around cost?

What is the extra cost of aborted landing and go-around for typical "big" airliner?
tomash's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there any automated go-around procedure?

In Wikipedia's description of one of air crashes (probably Thai Airlines, if I recall correctly), I found a remark saying something like that: "Crew decided to go around, but apparently decided to ...
trejder's user avatar
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Is there a minimum separation between a landing aircraft and another crossing its runway?

I have just seen this video of what has been called a runway incursion at LEBL (my hometown airport). A russian jet initiates a go-around after seeing an argentinian plane crossing runway 02: https://...
orique's user avatar
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2 answers

Why do some pilots call a go-around an 'overshoot'?

A couple of months ago I was watching some Ice Pilots NWT re-runs, and I noticed they kept saying 'overshoot' when talking about a go-around. Is this standard Canadian phraseology? Or is it perhaps ...
falstro's user avatar
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10 answers

What's the difference between a balked landing and a go-around?

Is there a difference between a balked landing and a go-around? If there is, what exactly is a balked landing?
user1640841's user avatar
28 votes
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Can a glider make a go-around?

Since gliders don't have engines, is it possible for them to go around? Are there any extra features on a glider to try to prevent that situation from happening?
flyingfisch's user avatar
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