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Questions tagged [far-91]

Part 91 of the US Federal Air Regulations (FARs) deals with general operating rules for civil aircraft.

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Did the FAA used to require pilots to have valid sectional for VFR cross country flights?

Did there used to be an FAR in the 1990ies that required VFR pilots to have in their possession a valid sectional for cross country flights? I seem to remember this rule from before 2000, but can't ...
Devil07's user avatar
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Can I legally log PIC time in a high performance airplane without a high performance endorsement?

14 CFR 91.109(c) states, "No person may operate a civil aircraft in simulated instrument flight unless the other control seat is occupied by a safety pilot who possesses at least a private pilot ...
Terry's user avatar
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Does FAA part 91 require aircraft flight logs?

What are the record-keeping requirements for flight or operational use of an aircraft only flown under Part 91? Rental aircraft always have such a logbook, for obvious reasons, but are privately-owned-...
Jacob Marble's user avatar
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Commercial Pilot privileges - scenario confusion

Assuming the following variations of a scenario. Your friend wants to pay you to fly them to Martha's Vineyard. You rent the aircraft from a local club. Same as above, except your friend rents the ...
Lpsky's user avatar
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Can a holder of a Commercial Pilot License be compensated for business flight expenses?

I’m buying a plane with business partners as we travel often for business. If I obtain my commercial license can I then be reimbursed or technically “compensated” for all flight expenses whether one, ...
PtheP's user avatar
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When was 91.155(b)(2) (night VFR cloud clearance and visibility in Class G airspace in traffic pattern) implemented?

We have all memorized the helpful triangle, but now this paragraph: (2) Airplane, powered parachute, or weight-shift-control aircraft. If the visibility is less than 3 statute miles but not less ...
Mike's user avatar
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I have two VOR receivers, but if one VOR is out of tolerance, can I still fly IFR?

According to 91.171, I am not allowed to fly IFR unless: "...unless the VOR equipment of that aircraft - (1) Is maintained, checked, and inspected under an approved procedure; or (2) Has been ...
Tigre222's user avatar
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If RVR equipment is inoperative what visibility should be used for an approach where the RVR minimum is 1800 ft?

At KSLC (Salt Lake City International Airport) the ILS minimum RVR for runway 34L is 1800 ft. If the RVR equipment is inoperative and RVR is not reported how do you determine the minimum visibility ...
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Is ADSB required in Class C airspace when the tower is closed?

Many Class C airspaces do not have a full-time tower and the airspace reverts to Class E or G when the tower is closed. The wording in CFR Part 91 § 91.225 doesn’t specifically say whether ADSB is ...
JScarry's user avatar
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Where is an example of "foreign airspace designated in the United States" mentioned in 91.129?

Reading 91.129 regarding Class D ops and establishing communications, (c)(1) mentions: "including foreign ATC in the case of foreign airspace designated in the United States" Can anyone ...
vector's user avatar
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Can I fly part 91 a German certified and registered helicopter in the USA? [duplicate]

Can I fly part 91 a German certified and registered helicopter in the USA?
Lynn Shawback's user avatar
26 votes
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Can a person be operating an aircraft in a "Careless" and "Reckless" manner at the same time? Or are these two different standards?

U.S. 14 CFR Part 91.13 Careless or reckless operation states: (a) Aircraft operations for the purpose of air navigation. No person may operate an aircraft in a careless OR reckless manner so as to ...
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Can air-to-air refueling be done in compliance with the FAR's?

I am wondering if any FAR's would prohibit the air-to-air refueling of two civilian aircraft in the US. In our use case, the receiving aircraft would be custom-built, and it would receive fuel pumped ...
varihard's user avatar
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What does "the other's right" refer to in 14 CFR Part 91.113?

There's a part in 14 CFR Part 91.113 (regarding airborne right-of-way rules) that's been confusing me: Converging. When aircraft of the same category are converging at approximately the same altitude ...
Nobody's user avatar
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When can I start an approach if I lose comms and my clearance limit is not an initial approach fix?

Here is the AIM's definition for a clearance limit: CLEARANCE LIMIT− The fix, point, or location to which an aircraft is cleared when issued an air traffic clearance Assume a clearance such as: &...
Java Addict's user avatar
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What advantages are there to operate a corporate flight department under Part 135 as a separate entity instead of in-house as a Part 91?

This question specifically involves FAA regulations in the U.S. Some U.S. corporate flight departments will set up a separate business entity for their flight operations to limit the liability of the ...
Aaron Holmes's user avatar
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How do AHRS systems meet the "gyroscopic" requirement of 14 cfr 91.205.d?

EDITED Among the instruments listed as required for IFR operations in the US FAR is are various "gyroscopic" instruments, including those for the turn coordinator, attitude and heading. In ...
Foster Boondoggle's user avatar
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How is the term "Coast" defined for FAA regulatory purposes?

14 CFR 91.1 defines the applicability of part 91. This paragraph defines two areas of jurisdiction where certain parts of part 91 apply: within the United States, including the waters within 3 ...
J W's user avatar
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Can I act as SIC with these specific type ratings?

Can I act as SIC on a part 91 ferry flight, if I hold... a DC-9 type rating and the flight is in an MD-80? a B-737 type rating, can I act as SIC on a B-737NG?
Steven sullivan's user avatar
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Why can military aircraft descend below the DA / MDA during an instrument approach?

According to §91.175(c) Except as provided §91.176 of this chapter, where a DA/DH or MDA is applicable, no pilot may operate an aircraft, except a military aircraft of the United States, below the ...
Romeo_4808N's user avatar
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Why are electric shavers specifically permitted under FAR §91.21

This struck me as a bit strange, 91.21 which covers electronic devices that can be used during IFR flight has some exceptions, one through three make logical sense (not really sure why portable voice ...
Dave's user avatar
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Do you need a rotating beacon if you have strobes?

If I were to replace my left nav light with a SkyBeacon ADS-B + strobe, could I remove the rotating beacon at the top of the tail?
Zaz's user avatar
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Are 100 hour inspections required to rent out a plane?

According to 14 CFR § 91.409 - Inspections: (b) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, no person may operate an aircraft carrying any person (other than a crewmember) for hire, and no ...
Zaz's user avatar
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If the map (reading) light bulb is burned out in my own Cessna 210, what are my options if I want to fly FAR Part 91 under night-time VFR?

If the map (reading) light bulb is burned out in my own Cessna 210, what are my options if I want to fly FAR Part 91 under night-time VFR staying in the traffic pattern doing touch and goes? Can I ...
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In a part 91 formation flight within a mode C veil, are all the aircraft required to have their transponders on?

Two aircraft are planning on conducting a standard formation flight (aircraft remaining within 1 mile of each other) as follows in the U.S.: Maintaining VFR below 10,000 MSL; Remaining outside/clear ...
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If I fly both Part 135 and Part 91 in a 24 hr period, which regulations apply?

I was wondering if there is a regulation if you fly both part 135 and part 91 in the same day which regulations do you follow?
sarah's user avatar
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Under what circumstances can Part 91 allow compensation for air transportation?

Can a commercial pilot fly passengers for hire without an air carrier certificate, considering that the aircraft is owned by a private company that hires the pilot and the plane has room for 5 ...
melT's user avatar
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Does an SVFR clearance extend to Echo surface extensions?

Sec. 91.157 Special VFR weather minimums. (a) Except as provided in appendix D, section 3, of this part, special VFR operations may be conducted under the weather minimums and requirements of this ...
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Does FAR 91.155c apply to class E surface extensions?

Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) 91.155 says under (c): Except as provided in §91.157, no person may operate an aircraft beneath the ceiling under Visual Flight Rules (VFR) within the lateral ...
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What is the FAA's definition of "for hire"?

(note: references to specific FAA documents or cases are always appreciated!) This is a general question and might best be considered as open-ended. It is, however, posed for clarification of a few ...
David DeVine's user avatar
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What preflight passenger briefing items are required under Part 91?

I have been taught to use the SAFETY acronym, mostly for checkride purposes. Which of those items are explicitly required (give references please) to include on a PAX brief for non-compensatory pt 91 ...
David DeVine's user avatar
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How should the VFR Cruising Altitudes (FAR 91.159) be applied over rising terrain?

Imagine flying at 4500' indicated altitude, 4500' AGL, heading 270, directly towards a steep mountain ridge that tops out at 4000 feet. Imagine the mountain being almost like a flat wall. When can I ...
David's user avatar
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Is it legal to fly GA aircraft in temperatures above what is shown on the performance charts?

Most Cessna aircraft have performance charts the range from 0 to 40 Celsius. I've had a CFI tell me that the FARs prohibit flight if the OAT exceeds 40C or whatever is shown on the performance charts. ...
Bill's user avatar
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What is the difference between "anywhere" and "other than congested areas" in regard to minimum safe altitude?

Just missed a PPL written exam practice test question that asked me what the minimum safe altitude was over areas "other than congested areas". I chose "An altitude allowing, if a power unit fails, an ...
boulder_ruby's user avatar
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Is it legal to give flight instruction in my own airplane without 100 hour inspection if doing it for no charge?

14 CFR §91.409(b) states person may give flight instruction for hire in an aircraft which that person provides, unless within the preceding 100 hours of time in service the aircraft has ...
Canuk's user avatar
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What qualifies as "open water" with respect to FAR 91.119?

FAR 91.119 governs minimum safe altitudes. It contains a reference to open water. What qualifies as open water in the eyes of the FAA?
Joe Enzminger's user avatar
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What are the FAA requirements for when to use an airline call sign & flight number versus the aircraft registration number?

Is there any FAA guidance which specifies when a call sign & flight number or registration number must be used for Part 91 & 135 operations? I am familiar with the guidance on how to obtain ...
Lnafziger's user avatar
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Can tower clear aircraft for take off with traffic still on the runway?

How much separation is required after an aircraft lands before ATC can clear another aircraft to take off from the same runway? On longer runways are small aircraft allowed to commence take off roll ...
Andykraven's user avatar
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Should I avoid testing unnecessary equipment?

Suppose you are on a day VFR flight and you are testing your aircraft lights. If you discover that the bulb for one of your nav lights is blown, then you can turn the switch off and tape it off, ...
Peter's user avatar
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Which aircraft maintenance repairs require a test flight?

14 CFR 91.407 requires an "Operational Check Flight" of an aircraft before passengers may be carried in certain situations: §91.407   Operation after maintenance, preventive maintenance, ...
Lnafziger's user avatar
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Can I accept a SID if I can't make the required climb gradient on a single engine but have no problem on two engines?

Can I accept a clearance containing a Standard Instrument Departure (SID) with a climb gradient that I can easily make on all my engines but can't make the required gradient on one engine inoperative? ...
wbeard52's user avatar
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Is a VOR check required to legally fly an ILS approach under IFR?

The FARs require a check of the VOR receiver before IFR flight: §91.171 VOR equipment check for IFR operations. (a) No person may operate a civil aircraft under IFR using the VOR system of radio ...
NathanG's user avatar
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Conducting a Precision Approach on a Non-Precision Runway - What are my limitations?

Let's take ILS, for example. As stated in the FARs, the minimum RVR for a CAT I ILS approach would be 2400ft (1/2 SM) for a runway that does not have TDZ and Centerline Lighting. So, that is one ...
RaajTram's user avatar
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When can I descent below the MDA if the approach light system does not have red terminating bars?

Specifically, I'm a little confused about Sec 91.175(c)(3)(i) which states: The approach light system, except that the pilot may not descend below 100 feet above the touchdown zone elevation ...
RaajTram's user avatar
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How can a part 91 operator gain authorisation from the FAA to perform RNAV (RNP AR) approaches?

How would an individual pilot operating under Part 91 in a light aircraft with a future "glass cockpit" setup (maybe Garmin will add it to the G2000?) capable of coding and flying RNAV (Area ...
UnrecognizedFallingObject's user avatar
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Is a magnetic compass required for VFR (day) flight in powered aircraft?

As the title suggests, Is a magnetic compass required equipment for VFR (day) flight in powered civil aircraft? I have always been under the impression it was. My question arises from reading CFR ...
fbynite's user avatar
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What makes intentional low or missed approaches legal?

A common procedure in flight training is the low approach: simulating a landing, but without actually making contact with the ground before powering up and either going around in the traffic pattern ...
NathanG's user avatar
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Is an FAA Part 121/135 checkride conducted under Part 91 or Part 121/135?

Is a checkride which is required in order to qualify a pilot for 121 or 135 operations itself conducted under Part 91 or Part 121/135 rules? For instance, is a first class medical required in order ...
Lnafziger's user avatar
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For training with a grace month, is it legal to fly in the month after training expires before going to school?

Most 135 training/testing says something like this: §135.343 Crewmember initial and recurrent training requirements. No certificate holder may use a person, nor may any person serve, as a ...
Lnafziger's user avatar
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Is it legal to bring (or allow someone else to bring) a firearm on a private flight?

Say that I want to leave the city and go hunting somewhere. Is it legal to bring a hunting rifle and ammunition with me in a private airplane? If yes, are there specific procedures to follow in ...
Lnafziger's user avatar
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