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Questions tagged [fa-18]

Questions about the F-18 or F/A-18 combat aircraft

4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How did Soapy get to fly Hornets?

Allegedly, in early June 1983, while flying a Sea Harrier during a NATO exercise off the coast of Portugal, Royal Navy's Sub-Lieutenant Ian "Soapy" Watson found himself in a rather ...
Rodrigo de Azevedo's user avatar
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What is the communication protocol for the side-stick in the F-16 or F/A-18?

The side-stick in the F-16 or F/A-18 communicates with the flight control computer to transmit the pilot inputs. This transmission uses a protocol. Which protocol?
shooshool's user avatar
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Engine Performance Data for GE F414-400

I am currently in Capstone for ASE, and for our course we have been tasked with reverse engineering the X-59 QueSST created by NASA and Lockheed Martin. I am the propulsion lead for our team and I ...
Derrick John's user avatar
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what is considered a good pedal performance in a fighter?

What is considered a good performance in designing the directional control law in a fighter? Is it acceptable to have some roll when using a pedal? For example, is it acceptable to have 40 degrees ...
jenifer's user avatar
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