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Questions tagged [f-16]

The F-16 Falcon is a single-engine fighter aircraft developed for the United States Air Force and also used by a number of other countries around the world

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Why are the outside of the rings of an afterburner exhaust brighter that the rest?

In this answer’s comments, it is explained (with a link for more information) why afterburners have rings in the exhaust. To summarize, the rumble of the engine + afterburner creates a resonance that ...
Wyatt's user avatar
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Is the centripetal acceleration when an aircraft turns related only to the load factor?

My question is about aircraft load factor and how it relates to turning ability. I've recently come across this chart for the F-16 that shows the turn rate in degrees per second and the load factor ...
Giovanex's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why don't jet fighters have fans?

Why don't jet fighters have fans in front? They only have a hole to suck air? I assume the compressor sucks the air. Is that enough? See from picture below, this is an F-16 jet fighter. There is no ...
eeesa's user avatar
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Why would the F-16 pilots chasing Flight 93 on 9/11 have needed to ram the airliner?

I realize that this is an old topic, and some elements seem to have been answered in the question below. However, one of the two F-16 pilots who scrambled to intercept United 93 just retired from the ...
ProfessorE's user avatar
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What are these strakes on the belly of the F-16 for?

What are these 2 things doing under the F-16? Are they for aerodynamics? Source.
f FRENZY's user avatar
8 votes
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The F-16 has a FLCS that constantly holds 1 g. What happens on high pitch angles?

The F-16 has a FLCS that constantly holds 1 g. What happens on high pitch angles? What is defined as 1 g? let us say that you climb with 60 degrees relative to earth, does that mean that the FLCS just ...
Sandpatch's user avatar
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What wing design provided the best energy retention for a fighter jet

As far as I know, tailless delta wings have the worse energy retention during a turn, is that true? If yes then why is that the case? Also jets like F16 with root extended shallow delta wings (40% ...
Samrat Dutta's user avatar
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What are the air source settings for on the F-16?

As part of the start up sequence for the F-16, the "air source knob is set to NORM", according to this source:
AlphaCentauri's user avatar
2 votes
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What prevents the F-16 JFS from running indefinitely?

The JFS (Jet Fuel Starter) on the F-16 is basically an APU that runs on jet fuel, but started by compressed air, from what I understand. As an aside: Please correct this too, preferably with some ...
AlphaCentauri's user avatar
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In an F-16, at what altitude is supplemental oxygen considered essential life support?

Combat aircraft like the F-16 employs hypobaric pressurisation with supplemental oxygen from a regulator. However, at what point does the manual call for the pilot to start using the regulator, what ...
AlphaCentauri's user avatar
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What are the problems Ukrainians have with F-16?

Ukraine say they will not be able to operate F-16 till the end of the year, even if they get them. The communication does not explain, why. It is anything known on what are exactly they problems? Is ...
h22's user avatar
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The instrument that show the attitude in the F-16 cockpit in a dive glide slope but nose up attitude what will show? [closed]

An F-16 Fighting Falcon is nose up at 25 degrees angle of attack (AoA) and unable to keep the level flight path but it is in a $600$ feet per minute dive slope. Does the attitude direction indicator (...
George Geo's user avatar
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Why don't newer versions of F-16s use DSI inlets but newer Chinese jets prefer DSI?

In the above picture, we see that Chinese J-10 jets incorporated DSI inlets into their "B" and "C" versions. (2) is the purported digital image of an Indonesian F-16 block 70/72. ...
user366312's user avatar
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Did the F-16 have an AoA limiter since the very first variant?

Did the F-16 have an AoA limiter since the very first variant or was it added later?
Aymnt's user avatar
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How does the F-16 engine startup work?

So, the simplest way to start up an F-16s engine is to flip the power switch to "main power" and then set the "jet fuel" switch to "Start 1" or "Start 2". I ...
Caeleste's user avatar
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what is considered a good pedal performance in a fighter?

What is considered a good performance in designing the directional control law in a fighter? Is it acceptable to have some roll when using a pedal? For example, is it acceptable to have 40 degrees ...
jenifer's user avatar
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On fighter jets (e.g. F-16), do the leading edge flaps extend above the retracted position, as well as the more typical down extension?

Do they go both up and down (with respect to a retracted position in the middle) on different fighter jets?
Chickeny Chickens's user avatar
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Why is the Auto GCAS system on F-16s limited to only 5G?

The automated ground collision avoidance system (Auto GCAS) on the F-16 is set up for only 5G's. If the system predicts an imminent collision, an autonomous avoidance maneuver—a roll to wings-level ...
George Geo's user avatar
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Which way does the F-16 cannon rotate, and why in that direction?

The F16 cannon is turning when fire the bullets. What is the direction when looking from the front of the aircraft towards behind?
George Geo's user avatar
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When the F 16 landing the flaperons are used for rolling due to the functionality as ailerons, but after touching the ground it is the same?

In landing gains the flaperons are down 20 degrees. If you have to do corrections of the bank angle on approach then you move upward only one of the flaperons. But after touching the runaway it is ...
George Geo's user avatar
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Under what circumstances does the F-16 and possibly similar fighters deploy leading edge slats?

What does the F-16 (perhaps other fighters as well) use to decide when to deploy leading edge flaps? I would assume angle of attack, airspeed, stick deflection, or some combination of the three, are ...
MD88Fan's user avatar
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Do F-22 and F-35 use force sensing flight sticks like F-16?

Do F-22 and F-35 use force sensing flight sticks (as opposed to flight sticks that actually deflect and sense movement), like F-16?
Microsoft Linux TM's user avatar
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Is the location of the strake ( chines) on the two seat F-16 variant is the same as for the one seat one?

Is the location/length of the chines (the cobra hood looking) on the two seat F-16 variant the same as the ones on the single seat variant? The two seat variant has a longer cabin, so it must be ...
George Geo's user avatar
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What are these bars on an F-16's nose?

I've always wondered what the purpose of these "bars" on the nose of the F-16 (and some other military aircraft) are. Are they sensors (if so, what kind)? Are they lightning strips? I can't ...
F16Falcon's user avatar
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When the F16 is landing the AOA will be at 11 degrees, but speed modulates more. How is possible to have fixed AOA but not the speed?

The speed in landing pattern is not fixed one due to the weight/drag of the aircraft at the moment(loads of bombs and fuel). But if you speed up then you're going to go upwards don't you(if you keep ...
George Geo's user avatar
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Why are AMRAAMs often mounted on the F-16's wingtip hardpoints?

If an F-16 is armed with AMRAAM and Sidewinder missiles, with regards to inertia and roll-rate, it would seem to make sense to mount the heavier AMRAAM closer to the fuselage, and the Sidewinder's IR ...
graphbobby's user avatar
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Does the F-16 have a movable inlet?

Does the F-16 have a movable inlet? Everything else like the f15 has it does the f16?
Luke Justin's user avatar
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Why did the altimeter in an F-16 jump suddenly as it passed through Mach 1?

In this video, Destin — the creator of YouTube channel Smarter Every Day — rides in an F-16 with a USAF Thunderbirds pilot. If you start watching the video at the 11:06 mark, you will see what happens ...
Transcendental's user avatar
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How can we compare the maneuverability of the F-16 Block 60 and J-10C?

Since J-10 originated from the IAI Lavi project, people assume that they are very close to F-16 in terms of maneuverability. How can we compare the maneuverability of the F-16 Block 60 and J-10C?
user366312's user avatar
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Is it possible to upgrade old Mirage-III and Mirage-V variants with thrust vectoring engines?

Is it possible to upgrade old Mirage-III and Mirage-V variants with thrust-vectoring engines so that they can match the maneuverability of F-16s?
user366312's user avatar
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What happens in an F-16 once the aircraft exeeds its service ceiling?

What exactly is the sequence of events that would unfold as an F-16 attempts to exceed its service ceiling? The scenario is simply full afterburner and attempting to simply climb higher and higher (at ...
AlphaCentauri's user avatar
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Why does Pakistan continue to use F-16s?

Why does Pakistan continue to use F-16s even though they have their own JF-17s? What features do Pakistani F-16s have which their JF-17s don't?
user366312's user avatar
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What caused the Belgian aircraft mechanic who stole an F-16 to crash? [closed]

This is the story, from the late 80s: Why did he crash? Why would anyone crash in this scenario? I'd like to ideally hear from someone who is ...
AlphaCentauri's user avatar
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Has an F-16 ever done a landing without the speedbrakes extended?

Has there ever been a landing made by an F-16 without the speedbrakes extended?
George Geo's user avatar
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What do left handed F-16 pilots do about the right side stick? [duplicate]

I was just watching a video about the Thunderbirds and Blue Angels doing their city fly overs and realized that the F-16 has a right hand side stick, which begs the question "what do left handed F-16 ...
Jim's user avatar
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Why would an F16 battery make a buzzing sound?

According to this YouTube Video I heard the mechanism that moved the canopy, and then I heard a small buzzing sound. The video description says that it is spooling something, but I don't know what ...
The Harmonic Rainbow's user avatar
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F-16: MAIN PWR ticking sound, what is it?

What is that sound that starts when MAIN PWR switch is turned on in the F-16? Its sorta like a fast ticking sound. Why is it there, what makes it, when does it stop? And is it also there when only ...
Invariant's user avatar
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Why does the F-16 canopy have a K-shaped 'latch'?

Why is the F-16 canopy latch (the yellow painted part) shaped like a K? It's a very funky shape, and I'm wondering if that functions as more than just a latch.
Davidw's user avatar
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Is there a brightness switch for the AOA gauge on the F-16?

Is there a brightness switch for the AOA gauge on the F-16? Please share a picture with the panel if you can.
George Geo's user avatar
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What is this object on the tail of an F-16?

Source: What is the object on the tail of this F-16 (next to the serial number)?
System32's user avatar
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What is the difference between the flight control systems of different F-16 models?

It is mentioned that the F-16 A/B variants had an analog flight control system (FCS), while the C/D versions introduced a digital FCS starting from block 40. Can somebody elaborate on the differences ...
Stan's user avatar
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Ailerons deflection of the F16 in take off and landing gain?

Let's say you are at a safe altitude and landing gear is down and the aircraft is in To/L gains and you want to do aileron roll and apply full left (or right ) stick to do the rolling maneuver.The ...
George Geo's user avatar
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Minimum distance required to turn at maximum speed of an F-16

What would be the minimum distance required for an F-16 to turn either sideways or upwards in order to avoid a collision (assume an infinitely long wall both length and breadth wise). Also would it ...
Valay_17's user avatar
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What is the communication protocol for the side-stick in the F-16 or F/A-18?

The side-stick in the F-16 or F/A-18 communicates with the flight control computer to transmit the pilot inputs. This transmission uses a protocol. Which protocol?
shooshool's user avatar
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what are the no load rates of f-16 control surfaces?

What are the no-load rates for the control surfaces of f-16 like flaperon,leading edge flap and horizontal and vertical stabs?
shooshool's user avatar
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Is the F-16 cockpit pressurized?

Is the F-16's cockpit pressurized? If so, why does the pilot receive oxygen from the mask (please state the correct terminology for this)? Is it due to redundancy in case cabin pressurization fails?
AlphaCentauri's user avatar
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Do the F-16's leading edge flaps lock up at +2° when the aircraft as a whole is supersonic, or when the airflow over its wings is supersonic?

My question is: do the leading edge flaps lock upright when the aircraft as a whole is supersonic, or when airflow over wings of the aircraft is supersonic?
George Geo's user avatar
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F-16 low speed SAM avoidance tactics?

After having watched the rather horrible yet fascinating F-16 avoiding multiple SAM launches: I'm left wondering why he doesn't increase his speed? There are, ...
AlphaCentauri's user avatar
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Does the F-16's neutral stability also extend to the negative-G flight regime?

If an F-16 pilot pushes the stick forward hard enough to send the aircraft into negative-G flight, does the jet tend to accentuate the new flightpath, requiring the pilot to counter that, or not?
George Geo's user avatar
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Why don't modern F-16s incorporate the VISTA thrust vectoring?

Modern incarnations of the F-16, such as the Block 70/72, F-16I and F-16IQ appear to incorporate many modern technologies. These aircraft are also rather different from the original F-16A, being ...
AlphaCentauri's user avatar