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Questions tagged [downwash]

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4 votes
2 answers

What is the relationship between Angle of Attack and Induced Flow?

(Image Source: Principles of flight. ATPL ground training series - Author: CAE Oxford Aviation Academy (UK) Limited 2014) I'm studying the airplane's propeller. And I found this picture in my ...
1 vote
0 answers

Downwash vs Finite-Wing Downwash

Is there a distinction to be made between downwash created due to lift generation of an infinite wing or airfoil and the "induced downwash" created due to a finite wing. I've been thinking ...
1 vote
0 answers

2D vs 3D Pressure Drag

What is the difference between the parallel component of the drag that depends on alpha for a 2D airfoil and the parallel component of the drag that's on a finite wing? I understand that for a wing ...
1 vote
1 answer

How does the downwash behind a swept wing differ from a normal wing?

How does the downwash behind a swept wing differ from a normal wing? (I know you can’t trust everything you see on the internet, but this seemed legitimate) Here it said: The downwash pattern on a ...
4 votes
3 answers

Can a wind gust below the rotor affect the lift force in a helicopter?

If a helicopter is hovering and a very strong, narrow and focused wind gust comes from the front and passes few feet below the rotor blade without touching the fuselage or any part of the aircraft for ...
1 vote
2 answers

Wouldn't the induced downwash "pull" the wing of a plane down?

I asked a similar question on this recently, (here), and the answer said this: Downwash is not a force. It is a small increment in the velocity vector. Downwash can change the local angle of attack --...