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Understanding the constant speed prop and 2-4 degrees optimum

I've read through some answers on here and just wanted to write my own description of how this works and let someone check for me. Currently I've just started to fly an King air 100 with PT6A We ...
Ollie Seaward's user avatar
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2 answers

Why does the centrifugal twisting force move variable pitch propellers to fine?

In my research on the forces acting on and influencing a single engine, non feathering variable pitch propeller's ability to change blade angle, I've come across a bit of a roadblock. Aerodynamic ...
hiigaran's user avatar
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In constant speed propeller, if i increase RPM lever from 2300 to 2500, will the Blade AOA decrease?

Assume I am flying straight and level with power setting 21 inches of MAP and 2300 RPM with TAS=100 kts, now I change my Prop lever only (MAP = no change & TAS = no change) from 2300 to 2500, ...
Krishna Kanth's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Does a constant speed prop maintain the optimal angle of attack at all time?

From an answer on this site: The governor just knows: Speed too fast, flyweights move out, routes pressure to move the blades more coarse; speed too slow, flyweights move in, routes pressure to move ...
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Does a constant speed prop deliver max speed at max manifold pressure and max RPM?

I was reading a discussion in flight simulator forum and I found this statement: Ignoring the issue of engine overheating, max MAP and max RPM is the best thing for max speed Do you agree with that? ...
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5 votes
4 answers

On a constant speed propeller, how is blade pitch related to airspeed and efficiency?

I'm trying to wrap my head around what the PHAK (Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge from the FAA) states for constant speed propellers. First, why is it that if airspeed increases, for a ...
Flak's user avatar
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4 answers

Constant speed propeller blade pitch compared to fixed-pitch

I just transitioned to a complex airplane (Piper Arrow II). While I get how to use the Manifold Pressure / Propeller levers, I still find myself trying to piece together how all the components would ...
Ryan Griffith's user avatar
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What Inertial effects should be considered to achieve blade stability on a Variable Pitch Propeller tailoredby aerodynamic loads?

I am developing a self adjusting variable pitch propeller tailored by its pitching moments due to aerodynamic loads setting the blade rotation axis in an offset from the aerodynamic center as shown ...
george's user avatar
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How to define pitch angle for a passive variable pitch propeller?

This question is a continuation of the question How to calculate variable pitch propeller parameters? mentioned before. Actually, the theory described as an answer on the question above is the exact ...
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