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Questions tagged [boeing-757]

A long-range narrowbody twinjet airliner produced by Boeing from 1981 through 2004.

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3 answers

By using the speed brake do we reduce the speed or do we increase the descent rate or does both happen simultaneously?

By using the speed brake do we reduce the speed or do we increase the descent rate or does both happen simultaneously? Could someone please explain the concept
Deepak's user avatar
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8 votes
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Do all 767-200s have speedbrakes that deploy automatically upon touchdown?

It may just be a coincidence, but I found two videos that involve the 767-200's speedbrakes not deploying automatically upon touchdown (which should occur if they are armed). The first video shows the ...
Charles Nicholson's user avatar
4 votes
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Why are there two different throttle designs for the 757 and 767?

There is this one, which seems to be the older version. Notice there is a big gap between each lever, except at the top. And this one. Notice there is almost no gap between each lever, making it ...
Charles Nicholson's user avatar
20 votes
1 answer

What is the purpose of quickly moving the speedbrake lever on the 757 during rollout?

I found two videos where the PF quickly moves the speedbrake lever during rollout on the 757. Note that they are already deployed. Here are the links: video 1 and video 2 (out of view). What is the ...
Charles Nicholson's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

Why did Boeing never replace the 757? Boeing in late 2003 decided to end 757 production because the increased capabilities of the ...
chx's user avatar
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Question about the difficulty of a couple of airplane maneuvers [closed]

I have a hypothetical scenario and I was wondering if any experts might be able to speak to it. I will lay out the scenario, with a couple of specific questions, and maybe some honest answers will ...
Chevis Ryder's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

Did I witness an engine test for a 757 at MAN?

A while ago (Summer 2020) I was walking near MAN airport (UK) and saw a 757 taking off. There was a peculiar event during takeoff and I'd love to know what it was. Once airborne at about 1000 feet (...
JamesG's user avatar
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18 votes
1 answer

Why aren't 757 scimitar winglets flush with the ailerons?

Over my many past flights aboard 757s, I have seen changes being implemented with their design. One of which was notably their refit of scimitar winglets. Although one of their most notable ...
Ja380's user avatar
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First Boeing 757-200 N757A 'Catfish' was modified with a Canard foreplane. How did it behave?

The aircraft had these changes made around 2006 to act as an F-22 Avionics test bed. One would expect that the fore plane changed many performances of machine, including take off and landing attitude ...
Urquiola's user avatar
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What is that Boeing 757 custom cockpit interface?

Cropped;, 2008 The photo is taken in cruise. The selected display shows takeoff data. There is also a send button (which hints at a datalink capability for communicating values). I ...
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Why is the intake of the 757 (RR) engine slanted? [duplicate]

I'm sitting looking at a 757 with Rolls-Royce engines and just noticed that the intake is slanted forward by 5-10 degrees. Anyone know why? (
CptStubbs's user avatar
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3 answers

Could the Boeing 757 replace the Boeing 737 Max 8/9/10? [closed]

The "Baby Boeing" 737 started life in the 1960s with roughly half the thrust and around 60% of the weight as the 757. In stages the 737 grew into a capacity squarely in the range of the 757. ...
Robert DiGiovanni's user avatar
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Why didn’t the 757 have manual-reversion capability?

The Boeing 757 was the highest-capacity and latest-designed narrowbody Boeing ever produced (and, in the case of the 757-300, the highest-capacity narrowbody anyone ever produced); it was also the ...
Vikki's user avatar
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Would ground effect and FOD ingestion be factors at high speeds close to the ground?

How could flight 77 into the pentagon overcome the compression lift of the ground effect at 460 KIAS that close to the ground? Also wouldn't the engines ingest FOD at that power setting that close to ...
Rcihard Van Steenberg's user avatar
49 votes
3 answers

Why does this 757 have a propeller engine attached to the fuselage?

I saw the following photo of a Honeywell Aviation Services Boeing 757-225: If it's not a fake, the airplane has a propeller mounted on a pylon on one side. What's the purpose of such strange design? ...
Glory to Russia's user avatar
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Boeing 757-200 Fuel Burn

So up front, I'm aware of the high number of aircraft and environmental factors and how oversimplified my request is. After all, there is a reason that the aircraft manufacturers provide charts to ...
BigNutz's user avatar
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1 answer

Why is the Boeing 757 undercarriage so high?

Compared to other wide bodies the 757 seems to stand on very tall landing gear. Considering strength, weight, cost, stowage space and ease of ground servicing you would want the shortest possible ...
Nobody's user avatar
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What is the length of an A380 aileron?

I work as a paint shop prepper at an airport in the UK and have currently worked on a aileron of a 757-200 that was 14ft long and wanted to compare it to that of a A380
Matthew Cunliffe's user avatar
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Which avionics suite does the 757 use?

I am wondering who makes the 757 avionics? Is there a glass cockpit upgrade? What is the name of the avionics suite? Thanks in advance
AirbusLover's user avatar
6 votes
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Did Boeing subcontract the manufacturing of the wings on the B757 series?

If Boeing did subcontract, which company took over the manufacturing of the wings? Where were the wings made?
AirbusLover's user avatar
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How many hydraulic systems does the Boeing 757 series have?

How many hydraulic systems does the B757 series have, does it have a Power Transfer Unit (PTU)? What is the operating pressure of the hydraulics in the Boeing 757? How big is the hydraulic reservoir?...
AirbusLover's user avatar
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Where can I find United 757 Checklists? (CRM, Pre Start, Pre Takeoff) [closed]

Where can I find United 757 Checklists (CRM, Pre-Start, Pre-Takeoff)? I need these for a writing project that I am doing. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance! Thanks, Charlie :)
AirbusLover's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Why didn't the Boeing 757 share the 767 fuselage?

(Flight) Early 767 design was a trijet. The numbers-built for the 757 and 767 is +1,000 each. They are both equally successful. But why didn't the 757 feature a slightly shorter 767 fuselage to cut ...
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15 votes
2 answers

What is this tube connected to a 757 for?

In this photo, there is a 757 at Narita Airport with a tube connected to the belly. Source: The tube is in the middle of the plane. There is a similar question about this tube, but ...
user13197's user avatar
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Why does the 757 fuselage bend more on turbulence than those of other airplanes?

According to this discussion(2nd)(3rd) and this video there is more fuselage bending in turbulence on the Boeing 757 than on other Jets. Why does the B757 fuselage bend more on turbulence? What are ...
TesterMen Tester's user avatar
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What is different between a B737 and B757?

Both are single aisle, 3 by 3 seating planes. Both are vaguely similar in length (with appropriate models). But they have fairly different ranges. For similar sized airplanes, why the big ...
geoffc's user avatar
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