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Questions tagged [australia]

For questions specifically relating to Australia

5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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I have an Australian CPL, what do I need to fly in Indonesia?

If I have an Australian CPL can I fly in Indonesia? How likely am I to obtain employment if I have 250 hrs. flight in Indonesia?
Adrian's user avatar
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I have a PPL in Australia and own a plane. I am wondering if I am legally allowed to hire my plane out to other pilots and make money?

I have found multiple answers that state I can lease to a school and things like that but I need to know if I can hire my plane out privately to other pilots (I.e mates) And actually make a profit ...
Henry's user avatar
  • 31
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Why do heli PC2 operations require highest obstacle clearance

In designing a helipad I notice that the Australian requirements (AC139.R-01) for obstacle clear gradients specify that the slope category (12.5% slope) generally applies to PC2 operations, whereas ...
Paul Haubourdin's user avatar
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How long is a BAK exam valid for? (CASA Australia))

I am looking to get back into flying, and I passed my BAK theory in 2016. Is that still valid? I want to go straight to PPL so I will be doing PPL theory anyway, just would save me a step, unless I ...
mgrande465's user avatar
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Where can I find a navigation database for Brisbane?

Does anyone know of a database that details the GPS locations of beacons within Brisbane; or a data-set that tells me air routes and associated en-route beacons, way points etc.? I'd like to be able ...
ronMilne's user avatar