Linked Questions

16 votes
3 answers

Why are fighter jets so loud when doing slow flight?

Going to air shows I noticed that when fighter jets did slow fight, it was just as loud as high speed passes. Why is this?
Boeing787's user avatar
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Is it better to reduce drag or increase lift?

Essentially my question is, in general is it better to have a lower drag or a larger lift. I know lift to drag ratios are used as an indicator but I think these don't give the best picture. For ...
Barnaby's user avatar
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3 answers

How does aspect ratio affect the stalling angle of the wing?

I have been trying to find a clear answer for this but haven't been able to do so. From what I understand this is linked to induced drag but I'm not able to link it. Could someone shed some light on ...
Jai's user avatar
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Are larger airplanes more likely to stall?

Stalls happen when the boundary layer on top of a wing slows so much that it essentially becomes part of the airfoil. My question is, as the wings on larger aircraft present a longer flow path for ...
Abdullah is not an Amalekite's user avatar
24 votes
4 answers

Why are heavy flaps better than just a bigger wing?

Flaps increase lift during landing and T/O. But when retracted, they do nothing. The space needed to stow the common fowler flaps can't be used for anything else - fuel or structure. Extended flaps ...
Abdullah is not an Amalekite's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What is the drag optimized wing form for given lift and bending moment?

I am trying to build a passive hydrofoil board. Something like this: I want to use wood and i am coming to the conclusion that i want to optimize drag for a given ...
x3oo's user avatar
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What's the theoretical background of the critical angle of attack?

The critical angle of attack seems to be at all (most?) airfoils around 15-20°. Why is that? Why is it in this range and not lower or higher? Is it just the result of optimizing airfoils? Or is it ...
Florian's user avatar
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2 answers

How does wing aspect ratio influence lift and drag?

I know simmilar questions are all over the internet (and this website too), but there's one thing that i just cannot comprehend and none of the articles i read could explain it properly. According to ...
Youda008's user avatar
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2 votes
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What is the Relation between Critical AoA with Chordline? [duplicate]

I read here an explanation about angle of attack (AoA) as below: Overly long (forward-back wise) wings will generally have a smaller critical Angle of Attack while smaller ones will have more ...
AirCraft Lover's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Are high lift wings bad for faster speeds

I notice a trend in many aircraft designs. If the aircraft was designed to go slowly but have shorter takeoffs/landings they use airfoils with a high lift. However for long endurance flights they use ...
YAHsaves's user avatar
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Do wingtip vortices cause a decrease in the lift component of aerodynamic force, and do planes need to pull more AoA to compensate?

So, from what I know about wingtip vortices, they shift the angle of the relative airflow to where the effective angle of attack of the airfoil is lowered. Since the aerodynamic force is always ...
Vinicius Quintela's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How can we design a wing for cruising at very low speeds?

I was thinking about a simple super-light aircraft powered with a little low-power piston engine. Is there any way that we can design a wing so the aircraft flies very slow (like 25 km/h as minimum ...
Mohsen's user avatar
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How to proceed in designing a catapult glider with maximum flight distance? [closed]

As a basis for this question, take the following catapult glider: This model has low aspect ratio wings, a thick wing section and a relatively wide fuselage, ...
stackex555's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How does the aspect ratio of a wing impact its lift?

The wing lift formula shows that lift of a wing is proportional to its area. $ L = {\dfrac 1 2 \times \rho V^2 \color{magenta}S C_L} {\small \begin{align} &{} &&\text{where:} &&L =...
skanga's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

What are the disadvantages of a delta wing biplane design?

The idea of a delta wing as I understand it is to reduce stress on the wing and drag on the leading edge. Now using two delta wings on separate planes, on one frame would presumably allow for a ...
Rugnir's user avatar
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