I am trying to understand compressor and turbine design principle based on stators and rotors. I know that turbines and compressors both have a rotating and fixed section that constitute a stage.
For compressors;
1-) Do they begin with rotor and end with stator? (I think there should be rotor at first to capture air in precisely and there should be stator at the end of compressor and in the beginning of combustion chamber since combustion chamber needs the highest pressure of fluid, so we can maximize fluid pressure by slowing down with stator)
For turbines;
2-) Do they begin with rotor and end with rotor? (I think there should be rotor in the beginning of turbines and at the end of combustion chamber to capture air in precisely and there should be rotor at the end of turbines as well since we need dynamic energy instead of static pressure, so we can maximize dynamic energy with rotor just before nozzle.)
Are my understanding and information correct?