In Top Gun (1986), a flight got hit by a missile:
Airboss: Get a bearing on Hollywood and Wolfman and launch the rescue helicopter immediately.
What does "Get a bearing on" mean?
In Top Gun (1986), a flight got hit by a missile:
Airboss: Get a bearing on Hollywood and Wolfman and launch the rescue helicopter immediately.
What does "Get a bearing on" mean?
It means to obtain a magnetic bearing from the ship to the location where the survivors ejected in order to get the helicopter flying in the correct direction expeditiously.
This would entail plotting a point that is 090 degrees for 20 miles from the "bullseye" briefed for that mission, marking that spot, and plotting a bearing line from the ship to that point.
See the answer to this question to understand the second paragraph above: "090 for 20"