Are there any STOL planes that are cargo carrying bush planes? (or can be modified to be bush planes for carrying cargo out of remote areas?).
I have clarified my question, based on feedback from the community, and am now no longer considering homebuilt aircraft, since they cannot be licensed to carry cargo (for now, I'm only interested in non-human cargo).
Needless to say, because of my budget, I suspect that I'm looking at previously-owned (i.e. secondhand) aircraft.
Criteria being:
- manufacturer still in business, long track record of safety
- relative inexpensive to buy (roughly around $100k or less if possible)
- Easy to fly and maintain
- Relatively low fuel consumption
- Easily available, inexpensive parts (does NOT rely on unique, custom hard to find parts)
Performance requirements are:
- max payload: 500 Kg
- acceptable min, max range: 250 Km, 500 km