I'm new to this site. I joined today after searching for hours to find answers to this question with no luck.
I am a part of a group of pilots and aviation enthusiasts working on a new aviation community development project. We have done extensive research and have collected a ton of data on various aspects of building an aviation community. However, we haven't had much luck finding definitive answers to the above question. I will elaborate more on the question...
Specifically, I would like to know if there are any requirements and/or regulations to follow with respect to the following for runways and taxiways in a private aviation community, or is it up to the discretion of the developers/owners to decide?
- Runway width and length requirements
- Runway Safety Area
- Runway Blast Pad
- Runway Object Free Area
- Runway Shoulder
- Runway Protection Zone
- Runway Centerline to Taxiway Centerline separation
- Taxiway width requirements
- Taxiway Safety Area
- Taxiway Shoulder
As I said, I tried for some time to research this, but all I can find is data for public airports. Nothing for private ones. If anyone can provide the answer or point me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.