The Missed approach Instructions for the VOR approach at Prescott AZ (KPRC) KPRC VOR Rwy 12 reads as follows:
MISSED APPROACH: Climbing left turn to 9000 via DRK VORTAC R-305 then right turn direct DRK VORTAC and hold, continue climb-in-hold to 9000.
If performing this MA, when you get to DRK VORTAC, and you are still not yet at 9000 MSL, One of three things must be true.
- You are to continue outbound on the DRK 305 radial until you reach 9000, then turn right direct to DRK VORTAC and enter the holding pattern.
- When reaching Drake, enter the holding pattern and continue climbing in the holding pattern to 9000 MSL.
- This Missed Approach procedure, as written, is inconsistent and is erroneous. You cannot both execute a climbing left turn to 9000 via the drake 305 radial, and Climb in the holding pattern to 9000.
... or does the phrase "Climbing left turn to 9000... " at the beginning of the Missed Approach instructions simply mean that the final altitude of your climb will be 9000, not that you have to get there before the next step which reads "... then right turn direct DRK VORTAC ... "
This post from is interesting ...
More info (FWIW): Submitted
Since posting this, I have contacted a FSDO, and was told that they cannot offer definitive official help on this, but that I should contact the controlling ATC agency, which in this case is Phoenix TRACON. They did agree that the MAP instructions, as written, are confusing and probably should be clarified.
So I contacted and spoke with a controller at PHX TRACON. He also agreed that the procedure is confusing, but told me what he expected a pilot to do when executing this procedure "as published". He said he expects pilots to turn left and roll out on heading DIRECT to the DRK VORTAC, (NOT to intercept the 125 radial inbound to DRK), then, at station passage, turn right to track outbound on the DRK 305 radial, climbing until they reach 9000 MSL. Then, when reaching 9000 MSL, but not before, turn right direct back to the VORTAC, and enter the holding pattern. When I pointed out the inconsistency of the last six words, "continue climb-in-hold to 9000", he said I should just ignore that. When I asked him if he could tell me who is responsible for these procedures, (who I might call to pursue this further), he did not know, and could not tell me who to contact next.
Also worth reviewing is this FAA Doc, which outlines the latest info on this procedure, including history of the changes to it.
Final Entry... I submitted an aeronautical inquiry about this procedure, and was pleasantly surprised to get a response almost immediately. As you can read below, their intent is almost identical to my option 1, except that they want you to roll out of the first turn Direct to DRK VORTAC.
Their corrected text will, (once flight test has been accomplished and approved) read as follows:
climbing left turn to 9000 direct DRK VORTAC and DRK R-305, then right turn direct DRK VORTAC and hold
Here is their complete response:
Charles Bretana,
Your Aeronautical Inquiry has been closed. If you have followup questions or comments, please use the online inquiry form instead of sending via email.
======================================================== FAA Response:
We agree that, as written, the missed approach instructions are confusing. We also agree that the climb on R-305 then reverse course and continue climb in hold are not compatible. Here's our 1996, Amdt 2 instructions: CLIMBING LEFT TURN TO 9000 DIRECT DRK VORTAC, CONTINUE CLIMB TO 9000 NW BOUND VIA DRK R-305, THEN TURN RIGHT DIRECT DRK VORTAC AND HOLD. The Flight Inspection Pilot who flew the amendment, had us change the instructions to what was charted prior to Amdt 3. What was observed at the time was that the missed approach required two turns, which our criteria does not permit without a waiver. He also felt that the turn direct the facility may be too great a turn (not standard) for some aircraft. Our amendment 3 added continue climb-in-hold without an explanation. We will request our Development Team to change the instructions to: climbing left turn to 9000 direct DRK VORTAC and DRK R-305, then right turn direct DRK VORTAC and hold. So, you would climb direct DRK, intercept R-305, at 9000 reverse course, proceed direct DRK and hold. We consider that a continuance rather than two turns, but the change will require another Flight Inspection of the procedure. Hope this is acceptable, and thank you for bringing this to our attention.
Thanks to all for your comments and input!