If you have c_tip, c_root, b and S and assume a trapezoidal wing (straight taper), you have one too many values prescribed, i.e. you can omit one of the four. If lambda is indeed taper ratio, then it's the same as c_tip/c_root, again redundant. But then you don't know anything about sweep.
If Lambda is sweep angle, on the other hand, then you know everything you need. For subsonic aircraft, sweep angle usually denotes the sweep of the quarter-chord line, so you can start drawing the root chord along the fuselage, draw a perpendicular (to the fuselage axis -> spanwise) line from this point, and then draw a line at the sweep angle to this perpendicular one. This will be your quarter chord. At the semispan, draw a line parallel to the root chord with length c_tip, extending 1/4 c_tip forward from the quarter chord line you just drew, and 3/4 back.