
Label 260 (Date) has a dd:mm:yr format, which requires 6 characters. How is this label typically coded? Here is my best guess based on the range of each digit:

Bit # Another header
1-8 Label (260)
10 SDI
11 digit #6 LSB
12 0/1
13 0/1
14 digit #6 MSB
15 digit #5 LSB
16 0/1
17 0/1
18 digit #5 MSB
19 digit #4 LSB
20 0/1
21 0/1
22 digit #4 MSB
23 digit #3
24 digit #2 LSB
25 0/1
26 0/1
27 digit #2 MSB
28 digit #1 LSB
29 digit #1 MSB
30 SSM
31 SSM
32 Parity

Is this correct?


1 Answer 1


You are correct.

There is a direct example for label 260 in Table 6-18 of ARINC 429 Part 1 dated May 17th, 2004 that identifies the following bit ranges for the corresponding digit:

Bits 29:28 - Day x10
Bits 27:24 - Day x1
Bit  23    - Month x10
Bits 22:19 - Month x1
Bits 18:15 - Year x10
Bits 14:11 - Year x1

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