I've found it in two official US government documents where it describes the 5 SM radius for TAFs.
One from NOAA:
NWS TAFs consist of the expected meteorological conditions significant to aviation at an airport for a specified time period. For the U.S., this is the area within five (5) statute miles (SM) of the center of an airport’s runway complex.
Source: National Weather Service Instruction 10-813. November 18, 2020. Operations and Services. Aviation Weather Services, NWSPD 10-8. Terminal Aerodrome Forecasts. p. 5.
And one from the FAA in AC 00-45H - Aviation Weather Services - Change 2 on page 5-84 (emphasis added):
5.13 Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (TAF).
A TAF is a concise statement of the expected meteorological conditions significant to aviation for a specified time period within 5 sm of the center of the airport’s runway complex (terminal). The TAFs use the same weather codes found in METAR weather reports (see paragraph 3.1) and can be viewed on https://www.aviationweather.gov.